Friday, 14 March 2008

on POP

you know sometimes when you walk in circles.
you're not lost.
instead every round you go
gives new insights into everything.
and every round is different.
and yeah.
i prefer the new you.
though i haven seen the last.
this one is good.

anyway. almost forgot to blog bout one of the most important occasions of my army life. POP. or GP or fucking off from tekong. whichever you prefer. whatever everyone has done, however hard you dislike someone or their ways, it doesn't diminish the fact that we have spent 3 mths together under sunny days and stormy nights. I remember the first day we came, and sat down round the square table. and introduced ourselves. it seemed so simple then to understand each other. direct and honest. or mayb not so. due to shyness and a host of other reasons which given that its our first day together, understandable, even i too wasn't exactly honest, or lets say i gave my resume introduction. one without an insight into my true self. but through the events, route marches, field camp, sit test, range, HG and most importantly field camp, i guess you guys have understood my more, like i guess i had about you guys. so many defining moments, where to start. I remember the day we dug our shellscrape, sitting down around roy and alvin's shellscrapes. eating and talking until unwelcomed personnels come over, foreman. haha. and the day we walked trough the rain for 24 long kilometers. and also our POP. how we stood, steadfast and unmoving as the rain lashed on us brutally through the rehearsals as well as the real thing. and the pure true joy i see in everyone with us passing out. Or just simply the magnificent view we get out of the window. spectacular.

And in the end, there isn't much to write about is there? I believe that all who had been through this together will understand this. That words just couldn't totally make out the whole experience. and all i could say is thus Thank you guys. You have been a great buddy/friend/section mate/platoon mate/company mate/school mate/ brother/comrade of mine and i would cherish all my memories, good or bad with you. and if one day i should forget the details, i'm sure you would remind me. and come one day when all of us are old, and forgot everything, i'm sure i'll still remember that you are my friend. all the best in your future endeavors, my brothers. It has been one great hell of a ride.

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