Also visited Vilage there for the first time but did not eat. cos my budget is the student equivalent of zamibia's or the Central African Republic's, and with the rising gst and inflation everywhere to ride the gst raise wave, my real budget has once again decreased... on another note.... and though this may sound suprising.. played time crisis for the first time. and visited arcade for the first time in god knows how long.. and yeah.. also watched I now pronouce you chuck and larry which is imo a good funny show... gay-ishly funny.. haha. you know... movies are like a circle.. haha.. not a triangle.. lol. damn gay n funny.
After which walked around PS with jimmy n jiaying. where i picked up that magic prerelease is coming again.. what memories.. haha. and went this shop which sells only door handles.. every single kind of it on earth.. oh ya. they also have a few shower heads.. but the most important thing is the door handles which kinda inspired me to think in the shower just now about my new house. yeah. i was thinking bout my room.. i guess it would be large but not huge. just enough for my bed, king sized, a walk-in wardrobe. a sort of mini lounge. and of course the bathroom but not too much space so that it is difficult for me to walk from one end to the other. Then the door will be made of solid wood. 3 full inches thick teak or mahogany or some other solid wood with a supremely nice finish, with handles of swarovski crystals like some i saw just now. then enter and i see the bed to the wall on my left. and directly ahead is my full length windows stretching across the entire room covered with curtains of the finest silk and craftsmanship. to my right is my lounge. carpeted with some tibetian carpet. with sofa's, 2 1 seater sofas of the best leather. and sort of a mini bar and fridge there where food, wine and everything will be stored. and of course a TV. 42". Plasma. Coupled with great sound systems and stuff. but no PS3 or consoles, those are for the entertainment room. And in the other corner on the right, the mirror and table as well as a bookshelf. not any bookshelf. but one with a secret entrance where i would pull down some book and go into my secret hideout kinda thing. darn cool. and of course.. somewhere between the middle of the lounge and the bookcase will be my toilet. with golden plated taps with carvings of angels and cherubs. and a jacuzzi. huge. with two dragon heads carved of stone spouting water in the corners. and a shower at the other end of the bathroom next to my throne when i guess there is need for a quick bath. with the showerhead which is darn big or the one wei ming said is damn nice. lolz. back to the room. On a corner in the left will be my walk-in wardrobe of which there is no need for much explanation. and the room will be painted.. say gold.. not the very deep and solid shade. but a gentler one of which reflects royalty and luxury. and the ceiling will have those damn cool carvings and a damn cool fan.. and 4 of those built into ceiling aircons to cool down my whole room. And when i draw the curtains, golden sunlight will filter in in sunny days, reflecting of the golden walls and creating a great ambience fit for royalty. and of course draw them when there is rain, unless i am down and need to feel the world crying with me. More of the view and the things beyond the room. yeah. i will have a balcony. big enough for a garden table and wooden chairs. and the whole balcony will be wooden. and beyond the balcony it would be a great expanse of grass, not too great, so that i could see a sandy beach and sea in the distance, Lined with great huge trees, of the flame of the forest variety, huge trees with towering and wide branches which provide shade. and at the sea in the distance, a small jetty and a corner, with one small boat- my boat, bobbing up and down the lake. yeah. i figured a lake is better than a sea. but the grass and the sea is for another story. So back to the room, and every morning, when my alarm rings, the curtains will draw, sending the sunlight in.. guess i saw that in some commercial or movie but it is damn cool. and yeah. Oh yeah, lights, there will be a chandelier, swarovski again in the middle of the room, with small lights in the other corners. but those are not the main attraction anyway. And i guess thats all for the imagined room.. where one day.. i hope to have it.. if not.. let me have it in heaven or something.
Wooh. that's one long description.
Just played BFME with zhou. lost to him 1v1. need to brush up my troops management. after which played 2v2 with com cos neither of us have enough energy left in us for yet another epic battle of wits and fingers of 1v1. but the game came to no conclusion and i could but be reminded of this poem i recorded from some green lantern comics,
"It began as a distant thunder rolling across the heavens with a storm warning's clamor.
It swells to envelop the firmament in a grand exclaimation.
It climaxes with the stentorian bark of an angry god.
It the retreats in the same subtle fashion with which it arrived, leaving in its wake-
The brightest day."
haha. yeah.
oh yeah. if i ever get rich enough to own that room..
this car is mine.

nth much else.
till nxt time.
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