Monday 14 July 2008

Bad roll of dice

Its perhaps the 3rd in 4th post of which i am utterly bored with my duty here at the medical center. But yeah. sorta getting into the feel of duty already. Its not that bad, all things considered. I mean, u get ppl who still does garde duty where they either stand on the feet for 2 hrs straight or walk for 2 hours straight. for 2 to 4 shifts. while i sit here and relax for one big 24 hours shift in which rest is as and when you like it. Not a bad trade i say.

Watched Hellboy 2: the golden army on sunday and yeah. i would say it was nice, in fact very so. though it never so called exceeded my expectations, it did meet it quite well and perhaps just able to peer over my wall of expectations. yeah. and zhou, i can confirm its one hell nicer than leap years. haha.

Lost my camp pass. I think i am being hit by a wave of bad luck. Stuff just couldn't go well for me since last night till this afternoon. First there's all the duty coming my way, then i lost my camp pass, and then i spilled my drink on myself this afternoon. lol. you know, i've been reading this book, The colour of magic, by Terry Prachett, 2nd most read author of the UK. haha. and yeah. in that book it states that whatever happens in the world, or their world, may be due to a dice game of the gods, and if it is, my god is rolling straight ones now which isn't good. so s/he better buck up his throwing, or he may lose the game now. haha

thanks for calling this few days.
even with your sore throat.
Its what that have been keeping me going,
cheering me up from
my most dire situations
and most emo times.

[Update 2030hrs] since i am on Terry prachett, i would like to at least try on the cause he is promoting. that of the research against Alzeimer's. Read his speech here.

and while i am on the charitable mood, may i also point you to here and here, to look at 2 charitable works by 2 west ham players.

and that's all for now. till nxt time

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