Monday 1 March 2010

It begins now.

I am not really a believer of making new year resolutions right at the start of every year, 'cause we all know that no year starts on the 1st of January and none really ends on the stroke of midnight on 31st December. How could we know what we want to achieve when there isn't anything to be achieved? Which was why i left it till now to write my new year resolution. For finally there seems to be some direction, a general trend in the flow. A certain know what in this chaotic order.

Like finally i had my first real lectures in what has been a long long time (no. medic course doesn't count). And it was inspiring to say the least. To be among giants in education, I have not seen this day of which i was genuinely interested in what they had to say. Not in my wildest dreams, alright, maybe not wildest. that i felt that the day will come where my ideals are found to be shared not by one but by a thousand.

And so yeah. This year.

1. Stay healthy. and fit. and cool.
Its been a life long dream to be like the heroes i worship. Rocky. Green Lantern. all seem to have ripped bodies. but that is not my aim. My aim is just to be fitter than i ever was. My peak is coming, i can feel it. And i need to reach that peak.

2. Further hone my guitar skills.
After walking down the streets of melbourne and looking at the buskers and the street performances, i suddenly feel vastly inadequate and seriously need to improve further before making a name as a street artist. haha.

3. Find my footing.
There has been so many false dawns of being independent. They said JC was the start of independence. And then told me that the army makes you a independent man. But it is living alone now, facing four walls that echo my every word, that makes me feel truly free. Free from the restrictions set on me by others. And its in this freedom that i must find my footing. To answer my responsibilities and stand tall. This is the start.

I would have written many more things down. Like getting certain grades or hitting certain quotas. But no. They are not my resolutions. those are mere targets, roadside postboxes for me to smash on my way down my highway. But yeah. the goals have been set. Now. To infinity and beyond?

This is the first day of my life
I swear I was born right in the doorway
I went out in the rain suddenly everything changed
They're spreading blankets on the beach

Yours is the first face that I saw
I think I was blind before I met you
Now I don’t know where I am
I don’t know where I’ve been
But I know where I want to go

And so I thought I’d let you know
That these things take forever
I especially am slow
But I realize that I need you
And I wondered if I could come home

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