Vietnam fans: "vietnam"
Singapore fan s:" go home"
few memorable comments by fans at yesterday's match:
"lock-up go prison la u vietnam." (accompanied with hand signals signalling handcuffs)
"Referee Kayu"
lolz. although the match ended 0-0. it was a good experience with the stadium almost half filled. lolz. not bad for such a match. seh. lolz
today match postponed cos i addi n ray all cannot make it and rained alot. making the pitch more of a swamp than a field. lolz.
sian. west ham drew 3-3 with fulham cos of stupid graham poll. he seems like the referee refereeing the vietnam match yesterday. give stupid decisions. lolz.
played some fm juz now. lolz. and now decided that since i played so much fm. mayb i should share some of my skills and experience. lol. in this. Diego's official FM guide.
lolz. here's it.
Creating a game:
basically there are 6 types of games. each having a different kind of challenge with varying difficulty, considering that u do not cheat and only have a single manager in the game.
the first type is the most popular and most likely easiest but most fun. The first type is starting a game as your favourite club. west ham for my case. or man u for many out there. it is easiest cos u noe all the players already. at least you know most of the 1st team and you noe who you should play in case someone got injured and who you should avoid playing at all costs. Taking my example, in west ham, if you looked at bobby zamora, you will think that he should be not bad as his stats are comparable to many other good strikers say luke moore, but a hammer will noe tt he is shit and can't score for nuts and will ship him off on the first chance. Since every fan should noe the strengths and weaknesses of his team. it is the easiest to play.
challenge :3-5/10(depending on club)
fun: 10/10
average time until you get bored : 3.5 seasons
the second type is a game at a high profile rich clubs. chelsea, barca, real madrid, milan, inter, arsenal and man u comes to mind. just to name a few. of cos these clubs may intersect with the 1st type but for this 2nd type we are considering those who do not support the club u take control at. This type of game is also largely easy as money can buy success, at least in the game. any club with a transfer budget of over 20m falls under this category. portsmouth, although having a budget of 20m is too shit to be in this group. Some may argue that this type of game is the most easy but it is not necessary the case, especially at clubs like chelsea and barca. they will ask for you to sign high profile players and may block your signing of players whom you know are cheap and good, e.g. marcelo and cardenas. however, in my opinion, this type of game sux as with money you can win everything in your first 2-3 seasons and will get bored quickly, however it is recommended for beginners as it will not spoil your morale quickly.
Challenge: 3/10
Fun: 5/10
average time before you get bored: 2.4 seasons.
The third type is the most challenging of the 6 in my opinion. Lower league managing. managing a club below the top division of the chosen league is difficult. lower league management includes managing even the top leagues in asian and african countries as the top division is likely to be the bottomost division as FM have most but not all of the leagues in the world. in lower league management. every one is the same. especially if you are not living in the country of league you are managing. you noe almost none of the players. or any of the clubs. picking a club is likely to be you choosing your favorite kit colour. your transfer budget is very limited. only about 10k or less if your are in league 2. about 200k if you are in league 1 and 1m if u are in championship. however, this type of game could last the longest providing that you have the determination to one day reach the pinnacle of the chosen league and the world. not recommended for beginners.
Challenge: 10/10
fun: 7/10
average time before you get bored: 3-10 seasons depending on your determination to win trophys
The fourth kind of game is starting a game at the top league but as one of the weakest club. this provide a challenge similar to LL management but slightly easier and gives a mind wrecking and heart stopping experience as you look likely to lose every match in the 1st season. especially with teams like watford and sheffield united. and find yourself looking for a draw rather than a win in every match. and it takes seasons to transform a club like that into a european force. my 1st ever FM game in FM05 was such a game as i started with norwich, a club i supported and saw myself at the same position near the foot of the table for 2 seasons. realistic but difficult.
challenge: 9/10
Fun: 6/10
average time before you get bored: 3-7 seasons depending on the speed success arrives.
the fifth kind of game is to start unemployed. this is very similar to LL managing in terms of challenge and provides even more possibilities especially with the new previous experience function. you may enter a sinking ship, needing to win every 2 out of 3 games to stop relegation, or u may get bought in after someone completes a takeover in the lower leagues. or you may rot in nothingness as no one wants to give you a job. but most ppl gets a job after 2-3 months providing you are not choosy in clubs ranging from championship to conference, haven got a premiership side want me starting unemployed yet. most difficult of them all in my opinion as you waste one transfer season at the beginning of the game and have to make do with what you have in your reserve and youth teams. I once took over a league 2 club whose only striker was out till the end of season and had to make do with youth players and makeshift strikers.
Challlenge: 10/10
Fun: 7/10
time before you get bored: very long if you have the patience.
final kind of the game is called- others. lolz. many funny games fall under this category. playing in wierd leagues like slovenian league, mediocre clubs like boro, or going on holiday for very long so that all the players you know are gone before playing. etc. etc.etc. the possibilities are limitless. and sky is the limit as you think of challenges for yourself. be a job hopper, changing jobs every time a new job comes up. or make your aim to be sacked while having the support of your players.
challenge: depends
fun: limitless
time before you get bored: varies.
can't think of a type of game not in this 6 major types. haha. so tt is all for this part of the guide.
nxt part: league 2.
till nxt time.
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