Saturday, 26 May 2007


This is lame. lol. it's the same thing all over again. when in school, you wish for holidays. and now in the holidays you suddenly feel emptiness and boredom and think there is nth to do at all. lolz.

now drifting around online... searching for a goal to do. lolz. that's y i am here typing rubbish again.
lolz. just listening to the pirates song again and now i have put it into a endless loop of "hoist the colours".. The king and his men stole the queen from her bed. and bound her in her bones....haha.

sian. lolz. no football news.. or i should say.. little football news..

Oh ya.. and some ppl said i imagine too much.. lolz.. look below.. lolz.. and think again about me saying about Captain Victoria fighting aliens at the sea at east coast park....

lolz... till nxt time

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