Monday 16 July 2007

Drifting thoughts.

Today was a long day. lolz. and long days are coupled with drifting thoughts and imagination. and haha. and yeah. thought of some more characters and stuff.

Yeah. Mr Algebra will have a imaginary, complex sidekick known as Mr 'I'. yeah. and together. they ensure that everyone has a "Statis-fying time." and they march towards a world where everything fits into mathematical concepts and that everything is in right angles and there is no need for tricky trigo.

and another villain taken off reub's. Mr Chemistry Spare-me-stry.. yeah. like he said. he uses a variety of chemical weapons against the heroes including the benzene blade and the carboxylic blaster. lolz. And he has a sort of "Jekyll and Alde-Hyde" character. yeah. and is sort of volatile. haha.

And of course there is Dr. Fischal Monetary, former politician and economists, whose ultimate aim is to achieve full employment and income equality amongst all people by making all of them his slaves. Incredibly skilled at economics, he is able to manipulate 'market forces' to his advantage.

haha. yeah. Den mayb Skywalker will be a hero after all. sent to earth to repent and repay his debts to Odin. lolz.

lolz. funny how ones mind can drift off in a long day.. lolz.

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