Perhaps somewhere in their even vast-er universe (for distance as we know, is relative to size, a single metre to us may seem like a 48km marathon to an ant for all we know), they have a shrine dedicated to worshipping the deities-in-green-who-come-in-a-gust-of-grey-smoke-in-burning-hot-green-vehicles or the green-quadropods-who-takes-a-life-and-gives-a-million.
But i don't feel godly at all. Instead, i feel more like a character from Tim Burton's Melancholy death of oyster boy and other stories. Mosquito boy or something.
There was a boy, Joe,
Who was stung by a mosquito.
He didn't realise at that point,
that it'll change his life so.

His head shrank,
extra arms grew,
and his nose became
the barrel of a tank.
wings sprouted
and eyes compounded
and soon little Joe,
became a mosquito man.

At first he flew up, and
he flew down
and he landed,
on a patch of brown.
he lowered his head,
as his nose touched the ground,
and before he could hear
a single sound,

Lol. just something i wrote up this lousy night in camp.
till nxt time
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