Monday 11 May 2009

respect and mothers.

Well. With these words i've officially hit the 400 mark for my number of posts. But that doesn't come into the picture here. Cos its not what i want to talk about. Not that i know now of what i want to talk about.

West Ham lost 3-0 due to a referee who, to put it mildly, trusted the bigger brands of liverpool over west ham. But of course, we have to 'respect' his decision whatever it is.

Which leads me to this word- respect. Some say it have to be commanded, given, and others, say that its earned. Which reminds me of this poster my friend recently put up in the more discreet places of the med ctr, 'The r--k is what you wear, the respect is what you earn.' Which pretty much summarises what i think about respect. But yeah, have never been a fan of this particular 'caste' system. A different couple of lines and curves on my sleeves or my shoulders does not render me subservient to those of yet another pattern. Respect is earned. Not yelled and shouted for. Again i could not write without my masking my words so pardon the language. Yes, we have to have a structure for organisation. We need to sort the people out. And yes its the organisation, don't get me started at the organisation. But yes, I do not think that the way respect is commanded, for failure to do so may just cause more harm than wanted to the individual. And I've lost my point somewhere around that chunk of words. But yeah. Anyway.

Last sunday was mother's day, so let me wish happy mother's day to all mothers. Well, to me, mothers or at least mine, is pretty much like the sun. In Singapore. She'll nag and nag and nag at you like the afternoon heat of the scorching sun. Making you sweat and irritated and not at all happy. She scrutinize your every action like the ever present sun. And She'll know where you have been, with who, when, with covert skills that would put CIA to shame. And you can't block out the sun, just like you can't ever block out the messages, phone calls and shouts your mother would hurl in your way. But yeah, cliched yet truly, they really are always there when you need some rays of sunlight. And she'll provide you with breafast, lunch and dinner, the way the sun gives the sunrise and sunset everyday, if you are willing to just sit down and enjoy them. And like plants, we grow under them. but yet, unlike plants, we tend to grow away from our mothers as we grow, making as much space as we can between her and us. And that's when our mothers yield, and set, like the evening sun. But just when she dissapears into the darkness of the night, when we're all alone and darkened and sad and lonely. And when we miss her the most. You look up. And you see a yellow disc. giving a little light. A little reflection of the warmt and light a mother brings. A little hint, or perhaps hope, a promise, saying 'I'm here'. Telling us to last the darkest nights, brave the coldest storms, so that tomorrow, the sun will be there yet again.

Just a little short something for mothers all around. But yeah. I wouldn't like my mum to read it. haha. Just let it be er.. an unknown tribute to her and what she've done for me.

So. there.

Goodnight and.

Till next time.

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