Sunday 23 March 2008

part 2 of soldier life.

Well. its just hours to go till i fall asleep. and tomorrow when i wake up. everything will be different again. Somehow i managed to con myself into believing that this 2 weeks are gonna last forever, or part thereof anyway. but looks like its not gonna be, cos i still have to go in. guess after awhile i will find it not that bad again. but once again, i'm beginning to miss the world.

They say the army changes someone, i think that they are true. but the benifits of it i'm unsure of. I can no longer do stuff i could do last time. My brain is but a wreck now, unable to perform the easiest of calculations. So is my argumentative mind, unable to form cohesive arguments against stuff which are so obviously incorrect. Or my jovial spirit, just fragments left of it, with periods of great sadness and unhappiness like now in between. Sometimes i wonder if i had made the right choice staying, 'protecting' my friends and family against 'external threats' or should i have chose, like a few friends of mine, to forgo this citizenship and perhaps lead a happier life. Normal, Civil, unregimented.

but oh wells, what to do. the choice is made 3 mths ago and i can't really change it now can i? and even if i could, would i? not when there's so much as stake now.

anyway. thks for the afternoon.
Its been quite a long week.
with me abroad first,
then you.
I guess i would get sick of you, if
i saw you every day of the week.
and so would you.
and thus.
I'm happy with this
and i await next Sat.
which i apprehendedly hope
that I'll make it special.
Or perhaps if possible.
I'll make friday good as well
but dun get your hopes too high yeah.
for i fear dissapointing you.
just to add.
For everything

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