Sunday 13 April 2008

life and football

Life i guess, after much consideration, is like a football game. Everyone has a fixed time. A lifetime. even after extra time and stuff. and everyone wants to achieve something from the game. a victory. a good game. a game where you walk off at the end of it with your head held high and say. 'look. this is a game I'm proud of and i'm going into my well deserved shower. whatever happens after this game is up to the manager, coach, and the board room and i just wanna present a good case for myself and well, its up to you guys to judge. Be it another go at another game, promotion to a senior side, sold to a bigger club, or retired as a legend, or join the club now as a board member myself, that's up to you guys. For now i just wanna play my best.'

But the main problem is not what happens after the game. for now. Its during the game. in a game, there are some times when you aren't on the ball and you are no where near it. just a player at the back. watching the action. like as though you aren't in the game at all. But you still have to be there. and you just feel like sitting down and waiting till the action gets to you again. but you can't. for its your job not to.

and which player am i? the captain who controls the pace of his game? or the striker who goes for the goals? the defender, a sideshow for his more illustrous team mates? or the keeper? the one who calms the defenders, who feeds the midfielder the ball, who stops his enemies from reaching their goal? now. that's the question. someone please answer this for me.

and i shall leave that as that.. army, and the need to serve has made me think bout the purpose of life and the meaning of it. and obviously, i have not really found it. the purpose of this 2 mins of my game. only this 2 mins are a long 2 mins.

and yes.
thanks for being my inspiration,
my purpose, my love.
talking to you really brightens up my day,
however dark they have been.
and yes.
It will be written,
for i promised.
so will other stuff i promised be done.
just give me some time.
for time isn't really available to me.

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