Wednesday 6 August 2008

Of dreams and nightmares and postponed wonders.

Just came home and had dinner with me mum and after that both of us had our try at the 8m prize up for grap on this friday's toto draw. come this friday, i'll either be 3 dollars poorer of 8 millions richer or somewhere in between. haha. dreams of grandeur and finesse again. imagining an island and everything once more.

And talking bout imagination and dreams once more. Do you ever get dreams that you wake up from saying to yourself, 'damn, why didn't i have this one last time when things were different'? Dreams that are nightmares now which may have been great if they had happened just days before or weeks before. And then you get a splitting headache and a bad taste in your mouth and you suddenly could taste that bad breath of yours that you normally miss when you are newly awake? If you hadn't, trust me, its the worst kinda nightmare you will ever get, a postponed dream. (there ain't a word for the opposite of nightmare, but if there was, it would have fit it just right there) Fancy an example? well. this is a adaptation of one i got, though its totally different. Imagine you got rejected by a course in say a university of your choice. Then a few weeks after you thought you have put that dissapointment behind, your brain decides to just suprise you at the point where you have no control over it- when you're asleep, and thus starts to broadcast a vivid dream of you having a perfect day in that course of your choice which climaxes with a scene so wonderful and awesome that you wake up from it, only to find, its only been, and only will be a dream made by that crocked brain of yours.

How worst can dreams get. When you get a bad dream, at least when you wake you could comfort yourself in the fact that it will never happen. But when you get a good one, the same couldn't be said, can it?

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