Friday 10 October 2008

God damn the updates.

Well. Its been a long time since i last posted. or so it feels. But hasn't been truly in the mood so pardon the absense. And well, lots of things happened during this time. West ham didn't win last week, and my camp pass and 11B was found (in my wallet) and i completed Star wars and Final fantasy tactics.

Didn't go out today and instead sat the whole night here, in front of the com. Watched Death Race, and had my daily dose of action. And proceeded on to read up on Uni stuff again. which leaves me slightly jaded and typing here. well, I wouldn't have been doing this right now if i had just been a little more prepared for my interview, but well, what's past is past and i'm not gonna think of What If's, for it shall be endless, that will be. Just kinda hope i still can get into medicine, after all, without preparing, i'm now much more prepared than i was. Though i hate my army life, life in the medical center had indeed, prepared me and gave me insights into the medical proffession, and hell yeah, i'm gonna sit in the Consultation Room one day.

On another note. Have a great evening.

And god damn the updates.

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