Wednesday 15 October 2008

Why doctor?

Well. It has not been spectacular seeing that my camp internet have chosen such a wonderful time to breakdown. making me out of reach to the world for 2 days. haha. was kinda inspired on sunday and actually wanted to post something, but well, the internet was down and well, haha. I forgot what i really wanted to post about.

But during the wkend, after watching The last king of Scotland, i actually had a thought. or perhaps a sudden inspiration. Through the months and events i had somewhat forgotten why do i want to be a doctor, or perhaps that itself was never really truely understood even by myself. Once, yes, i admit, it seemed a pretty decent money making path that leads to stability and eventually, a good life. And i wanted to be a psychiatrist, a child psychiatrist, to 'change the potential in those with the most potential' as i once wrote. And i still believe so, that it is and perhaps will be a good path. And i still believe that. yes, if cancer or angina is gonna claim your life, sooner or later it will. But fight it, we must, for its in the fights that we realise humanity. But i'll leave that to the experts. And instead, i'll make sure that the fights i win shall be those that shall last longer, to change the potential in the most potential.

But recent events and experiences may perhaps changed my viewon that slightly. Serving as a medic, i guess i've gained an insight, however small it is, into life in the medical proffession and as a doctor. And yeah, i guess the reason after all this to want to pursue an education in medicine is to one day to 'save lives'. Cliched it is. But i experienced the adrenaline rush in the emergency room myself, and there's no greater excitement than that. And the relief that comes with the news that the patient is stable? Awesome.

But what i want now is actually to be a 'travelling doctor'. in inverted commas for i don't know if there's a possibility of such a job now with the numerous restrictions around the world. But the basic plan is this. I work in a country, say somewhere in Africa for say a period of 3-6 months, and in that period earn enough for my ticket to my next destination say, Sri Lanka, and there for 3 months again and so on so forth. Until my mind says that it had enough of travelling. And then i'll find somewhere to settle down and perhaps. retire. haha. sounds far fetched and crazy, but i think it shall be a cool life if it ever was lived.

And so that's it for now. kinda out of ideas but shall post more when that comes.

or when the wkend comes. whichever comes first.

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