Wednesday 28 January 2009

Going lunar.

I actually meant this as a night post. but somehow it popped into my morning.

Its fascinating.
the way the lunar year passes faster than the solar year.
leaving us with a double of everything. somewhat mimicking the moon's pale reflection of the sun.
two new years and two birthdays.
two beginnings and two ends.
And due to the differences in days of the calendars. A coinciding day in a year will not be the same the next year.
And therehence (is there such a word) creates a choice.
And this year. I decided to go lunar.
Been sorta carefully awaiting this day since NZ.
where being alone among the stars.
Makes one think.
perhaps its the end-of-year thing.
Or perhaps its just the normal flow of events.
A year ago. by the lunar calendar.
yesterday was the single most beautiful day of my life.
The progression of days from then on was then,
well, more than sufficiently recorded.
And so has the aftermath.
The decision was not made today. or yesterday. or any day in this year for that matter.
But perhaps its my obsession with dates, names and patterns.
That i choose today of all days. to end my vigil.
Delight had not become Delirium.
For i choose not to let it to.
It had troubled me enough.
It shall not trouble me more.
I dreamt last night the same recurring dream i had for months.
excruciatingly reminding me of what Could have been.
Could. but last night is. last night.
Its a new year. and this year's gonna be great.
the moon is gonna shine on me this year.
Been listening to Elton John's 'don't let the sun go down on me' for far too long now.
Its time to let the sun set.
and bring forth dusk.
and moonlight.

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