Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year

I'm in NZ. And i do not know if i'm currently online. Or am i celebrating and enjoying myself.
But its a new year and there shall be a new year post like every year. But since i'm not around to emo and reminiscent. I shall try something different. Instead of reflecting and wishing everyone a happy new year.

I give thanks.
To everyone who would in one way or another, render help to me in the coming year. To everyone who may or may not touch my life. To everyone who may always be there, to those who may wander in absentmindedly, to those who keep away. Thanks.

I apologize.
For it's stupid and dumb to think that i will not commit errors and hurt someone next year. And it's too stupid to think that i will recognize them all in the year alone or that i will stand up to them and apologize after the incident. So i'll say sorry to those i may hurt next year and those who i haven't since years before.

I applause.
For the many moments in the year ahead that deserves just that. A kind gesture or a wondrous act of chivalry or anything heroic. For those moments that may touch my heart and ask me to do exactly that. Applause.

I celebrate.
For events within my forecast. ORD. being 20. touring with friends. For good movies. And bad ones with good company. For emo nights. For crazy nights.

And I reflect.
On a year that shall on this day next year have passed. On a year that would be awesome and brilliant. On a year that shall be filled perhaps by good magic and madness. Good books and perhaps one written by yours truly.

Happy new year everyone.

-Wong from within the sheeps of Waioru, Aoteroa

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