lolz. what a busy CNY week. lolz. so many things happening. lolz. can hardly catch my breath and there is this thing called SPA and common test1 sneaking up on me. lolz. how can anyone survive under these conditions. lolz. damn sian.
lolz. anyway. happy birthday reub. lolz. dun 'see 1st' liao. lolz.
feeling damn sian. what a lousy wk. lolz. 1st kena raid. now stupid whu kena rape. dunno wad is nxt.... haiz..
but neva mind. lolz.
anyway change skin liao. is still basically the same thing cept for the pic n colours. lolz. whu is too much a disgrace to continue supporting them. now looking for a new team. lolz. taking my time... but for now. i will use the comic that inspired me most. Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner. the best ever green lantern. lolz.
Sunday, 25 February 2007
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
and there i thought this CNY hols is gonna be short....
now still in malaysia. lolz. super sianded by what has happened yesterday nite. lolz. now dunno when i can return, or whether i can return at all. lolz.
DAY 3 of CNY 7.30pm.
was super hungry, and there was a super traffic jam. lolz. so me and my family decided to go makan, or eat. and we went this place, where the police afterwards told us is called kulai besar, to eat. lolz. it was the only chinese food open as it is CNY and the street is damn deserted and dark. lolz. cept for tt shop. we went and eat. being tired and exhasted and hungry, we forgot about our bags and went and eat. It was a good meal. but very costly. Cos when we return to a car. we kena rob. once we enter the car, two men came and smashed our windows and threatened my father. and we gave them our bags, with everything inside. including passport, ic, stuff. Interesting fact i taken note here: Singapore and malaysian passports are worth 30k sing bucks in the black market. lolz. anyway. still damn angry, everything gone. but luckily i have this habit of putting all my impt stuff, phone, wallet n mp3 with me. so mine neva kena. my sister n mother was another case, everything put in bag, everything also kena. sad life.
den went police report n do stuff. damn sian. now super angry, not cos they steal my stuff. but feel disgraced tt i am a malaysian and this type of things happen, not rarely, but very frequently, at my 2 hours at the police station, ppl kept coming in, with all sorts of crime, and it was only 1 small police station in malaysia. imagine the amt of crime commited daily, newspaper would be as think as 2 phonebooks if they recorded and told the story of every crime. malaysia, to me, is a beauty with a heart black as coal. It now feels like gotham city of batman. and she truly needs superheroes like them to save her from her imminent doom. but also, i damn angry they stole my things, if only i was ghost rider, i will penance stare those thieving b*****ds and send them to hell. damn sian..
now dunno when i can return.... hope its tomorrow....
there goes my CNY mood..............
suayness to the max....
pardon my lies
gonna switch citizenship the next chance i have...
till nxt time.. have a happy cny rest of u. and rmb to take care of ur belongings...
DAY 3 of CNY 7.30pm.
was super hungry, and there was a super traffic jam. lolz. so me and my family decided to go makan, or eat. and we went this place, where the police afterwards told us is called kulai besar, to eat. lolz. it was the only chinese food open as it is CNY and the street is damn deserted and dark. lolz. cept for tt shop. we went and eat. being tired and exhasted and hungry, we forgot about our bags and went and eat. It was a good meal. but very costly. Cos when we return to a car. we kena rob. once we enter the car, two men came and smashed our windows and threatened my father. and we gave them our bags, with everything inside. including passport, ic, stuff. Interesting fact i taken note here: Singapore and malaysian passports are worth 30k sing bucks in the black market. lolz. anyway. still damn angry, everything gone. but luckily i have this habit of putting all my impt stuff, phone, wallet n mp3 with me. so mine neva kena. my sister n mother was another case, everything put in bag, everything also kena. sad life.
den went police report n do stuff. damn sian. now super angry, not cos they steal my stuff. but feel disgraced tt i am a malaysian and this type of things happen, not rarely, but very frequently, at my 2 hours at the police station, ppl kept coming in, with all sorts of crime, and it was only 1 small police station in malaysia. imagine the amt of crime commited daily, newspaper would be as think as 2 phonebooks if they recorded and told the story of every crime. malaysia, to me, is a beauty with a heart black as coal. It now feels like gotham city of batman. and she truly needs superheroes like them to save her from her imminent doom. but also, i damn angry they stole my things, if only i was ghost rider, i will penance stare those thieving b*****ds and send them to hell. damn sian..
now dunno when i can return.... hope its tomorrow....
there goes my CNY mood..............
suayness to the max....
pardon my lies
gonna switch citizenship the next chance i have...
till nxt time.. have a happy cny rest of u. and rmb to take care of ur belongings...
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Coming. CNY is coming
(for latest post scroll down. cos this i feel is better for cny)
[disclaimer: this post may contain words and ideas that may irritate or sadden or somehow make some ppl angry. To these ppl, too bad. dun read if u feel offended, its just my thoughts.]
lolz. what a week. lolz. hardly have the mood and time to do anything. lolz. CNY is coming. lolz.
after seeing what happened in skool today i thought alot and still cannot understand why ppl treat festivals like valentines and christmas more importantly that CNY. lolz. CNY to me represents many thing. a start to the year. the end of last year. and more importantly- homecoming. lolz. its that time where every family member alive however unlinked will meet up and we will eat, talk and do stuff. Its the time where i make a visit 'home'. all the fun i had in my 18 chinese new yrs. lolz. And most importantly. i celebrate CNY cos i am Chinese. and i am proud to be one. Last christmas i still dun understand why christmas to me like nothing. just another holiday. lolz. now i noe its cos i am no ang moh, and i see no point celebrating their holiday. but many ppl are not like me. chinese ppl. non-christian chinese. if u christian den i at least understand why u like christmas and i accept. but those hu are not christians? celebrate christmas? seriously, if i was ang moh i would laugh at these ppl in my heart. I would laugh even harder if they treat CNY as 'only a long weekend with ang pows and good food'. this i felt after reading somethings about CNY being not meaningful. lolz. I think after i went NZ and came back, i found out the importance of identity. and this is further reinforced by my reading of comics especially x-men. In NZ or even in malaysia where chinese are not the majority, CNY is the perfect way to tell the ppl around. We are chinese. This is OUR festival. This is OUR Identity. and to the others we are one. can't imagine a yr without CNY. lolz. somehow VJ like no CNY mood. lol. mayb is cos there are too many ppl of other races? lolz. CNY mood seems to be extended from me to ray to bain to jimmy and some other ppl. lolz. I remember last time in malaysia, when i was p3, the teachers didn't even wan to teach about 1 wk before the cny break. and we had 15 days off!! for the whole of CNY, for all skools, so whatever shit about no time to finish the syllabus is bulls**t, i would give up 15 days of december break anytime for a CNY break. mayb its cos singaporeans drink too much 洋水. today valentines everyone so enthu, lets see how everyone does during CNY celebration. lolz. can't wait to go back home to celebrate. 3 days to CNY.
wishing the 1.something billion Chinese around the world a 恭喜发财 and 新年快乐。 lolz. sian. if only everyone had the enthusiasm i have towards CNY..... lolz.
cant wait... lolz.
haiz. happy valentines, girl.
[disclaimer: this post may contain words and ideas that may irritate or sadden or somehow make some ppl angry. To these ppl, too bad. dun read if u feel offended, its just my thoughts.]
lolz. what a week. lolz. hardly have the mood and time to do anything. lolz. CNY is coming. lolz.
after seeing what happened in skool today i thought alot and still cannot understand why ppl treat festivals like valentines and christmas more importantly that CNY. lolz. CNY to me represents many thing. a start to the year. the end of last year. and more importantly- homecoming. lolz. its that time where every family member alive however unlinked will meet up and we will eat, talk and do stuff. Its the time where i make a visit 'home'. all the fun i had in my 18 chinese new yrs. lolz. And most importantly. i celebrate CNY cos i am Chinese. and i am proud to be one. Last christmas i still dun understand why christmas to me like nothing. just another holiday. lolz. now i noe its cos i am no ang moh, and i see no point celebrating their holiday. but many ppl are not like me. chinese ppl. non-christian chinese. if u christian den i at least understand why u like christmas and i accept. but those hu are not christians? celebrate christmas? seriously, if i was ang moh i would laugh at these ppl in my heart. I would laugh even harder if they treat CNY as 'only a long weekend with ang pows and good food'. this i felt after reading somethings about CNY being not meaningful. lolz. I think after i went NZ and came back, i found out the importance of identity. and this is further reinforced by my reading of comics especially x-men. In NZ or even in malaysia where chinese are not the majority, CNY is the perfect way to tell the ppl around. We are chinese. This is OUR festival. This is OUR Identity. and to the others we are one. can't imagine a yr without CNY. lolz. somehow VJ like no CNY mood. lol. mayb is cos there are too many ppl of other races? lolz. CNY mood seems to be extended from me to ray to bain to jimmy and some other ppl. lolz. I remember last time in malaysia, when i was p3, the teachers didn't even wan to teach about 1 wk before the cny break. and we had 15 days off!! for the whole of CNY, for all skools, so whatever shit about no time to finish the syllabus is bulls**t, i would give up 15 days of december break anytime for a CNY break. mayb its cos singaporeans drink too much 洋水. today valentines everyone so enthu, lets see how everyone does during CNY celebration. lolz. can't wait to go back home to celebrate. 3 days to CNY.
wishing the 1.something billion Chinese around the world a 恭喜发财 and 新年快乐。 lolz. sian. if only everyone had the enthusiasm i have towards CNY..... lolz.
cant wait... lolz.
haiz. happy valentines, girl.
chinese new year,
nothings gonna spoil my mood now!! its chinese new yr celebration tomolo. and i have moved up one more gear and is now in hyper CNY mode!!! just helped decorate and finish cleaning up my house.. now am in super CNY atmostphere.. blasting CNY songs off my com while typing this.. 恭喜呀恭喜,发呀发大财。。。。。。 lolz.
loving it. lolz.
sorry ray for not being able to go just now.. lolz.
why can't everyday like CNY. lolz. gonna be crazy tomolo man. its CNY!!!
lolz. watched ghost rider with zhou, reub, hoe, ze, kok, jorim, shukit, xiao bai. the effects damn nice. lolz. now put him in one of my top 10 favorite comic characters. which now ranks as
1. Green Lantern
2. Silver Surfer
3. Iceman
4. Gambit
5. ghost rider
6. shazam
7. Captain America
haven decide for 8-10... lolz.. need to read more comics... lolz. but not now...
春风它吻上我的脸 告诉我现在是春天
谁说是春眠不觉晓 只有那偷懒人儿才高眠
春风它吻上了我的脸 告诉我现在是春天
happy chinese new year!!!
loving it. lolz.
sorry ray for not being able to go just now.. lolz.
why can't everyday like CNY. lolz. gonna be crazy tomolo man. its CNY!!!
lolz. watched ghost rider with zhou, reub, hoe, ze, kok, jorim, shukit, xiao bai. the effects damn nice. lolz. now put him in one of my top 10 favorite comic characters. which now ranks as
1. Green Lantern
2. Silver Surfer
3. Iceman
4. Gambit
5. ghost rider
6. shazam
7. Captain America
haven decide for 8-10... lolz.. need to read more comics... lolz. but not now...
春风它吻上我的脸 告诉我现在是春天
谁说是春眠不觉晓 只有那偷懒人儿才高眠
春风它吻上了我的脸 告诉我现在是春天
happy chinese new year!!!
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
lolz. damn sian.
juz now went subway for the 1st time ever with ray, jimmy, kailee, serhua n jiaying. lolz. neva eat b4 sia. lolz. quite nice. lolz. will go again if it is 10c again. haha. lolz. 10c for tt is like super cheap sia. lolz. cheaper than ramli. lolz.
damn sian.. now abit cough. lolz. damn scared sick again. lolz. but think this is cos ate too many of those heaty stuff juz now. lolz. would recover tomorrow. lolz. cannot be sick for CNY. if not will be super sad life. lolz.
sian. dun feel like doing anything now. lolz.
why have you stopped msging me.... haiz.
juz now went subway for the 1st time ever with ray, jimmy, kailee, serhua n jiaying. lolz. neva eat b4 sia. lolz. quite nice. lolz. will go again if it is 10c again. haha. lolz. 10c for tt is like super cheap sia. lolz. cheaper than ramli. lolz.
damn sian.. now abit cough. lolz. damn scared sick again. lolz. but think this is cos ate too many of those heaty stuff juz now. lolz. would recover tomorrow. lolz. cannot be sick for CNY. if not will be super sad life. lolz.
sian. dun feel like doing anything now. lolz.
why have you stopped msging me.... haiz.
Saturday, 3 February 2007
lolz. yesterday nite was JTS. junior treat senior. lolz. haha. shiok sia. but the total bill was like 600+ lolz. ok lah. considering there are 30-40 of us. lolz. lolz. just found out my bio clock is super accurate. lolz. even better than any clock u can find. at 10. lolz. +/- 5 mins. i will suddenly go into a mode of low energy and half life. lolz. just ask ray to demonstrate. lolz. he imitate until super real. lolz. or so the others say. lolz. but after the hour. lolz. i mysteriously will spring back to life. and will remain that level of energy throughout the night. lolz.
before tt went NLB chill. lolz. read damn alot of comics. lolz. damn nice. lolz. love comics. lolz. if only i have money n they are not so ex. i would have bought every issue. lolz. but now its price range is beyond me. lolz. sian. lolz.
just now played BFME2 wif ran n zhou. long time since we did tt. lolz. quite a nice game. lolz. i chiong all the way. lolz. haha. mayb is cos com stupid. neva attack the lousiest player- me. lolz. we need to game more often man. lolz. yeah ran. long time since we all went out. mayb nxt wk sia. lolz. sian. making a new video on some penalty shoot out by forks. knives and a rolled up tissue paper. lolz. will be posting it when it is finished. lolz.
nth much else.
before tt went NLB chill. lolz. read damn alot of comics. lolz. damn nice. lolz. love comics. lolz. if only i have money n they are not so ex. i would have bought every issue. lolz. but now its price range is beyond me. lolz. sian. lolz.
just now played BFME2 wif ran n zhou. long time since we did tt. lolz. quite a nice game. lolz. i chiong all the way. lolz. haha. mayb is cos com stupid. neva attack the lousiest player- me. lolz. we need to game more often man. lolz. yeah ran. long time since we all went out. mayb nxt wk sia. lolz. sian. making a new video on some penalty shoot out by forks. knives and a rolled up tissue paper. lolz. will be posting it when it is finished. lolz.
nth much else.
Thursday, 1 February 2007
Singapore 2-1 Thailand

lolz. what a wonderful atmostphere. simply O-W-N-I-N-G. who says singapore has no passion for local football. haha.
last night. I, Ray, Addi, Rong Hua, Jimmy, 菜王 and Jia Ying and her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friend was there to witness a rare feat. Singapore have not beaten thailand since the 1970s and this time they did it. on what is to be the last competitive match played in the national stadium. Singapore beat thailand 2-1. in which thailand werent good at all and have no sportsmanship at all, walking off the pitch in protest just because the referee made a decision against them. what lousy attitude. If i was the ref, i would have disqualified them. but of cos, the referee was very lousy... lolz.
but seriously. feel addicted to the national stadium atmostphere. the kallang wave. the vulgarities. the shredding of newspapers into confetti. everything. even though i returned home tired that night. no words could express the pride and happiness inside me. although technically i am not a citizen yet. but only technically. lolz. but from the day i went to the stadium as a spectator for the 1st time. i am citizen already.
55000 fans. 1 voice. 1 heartbeat. 1 soul. 1 team.

The supporters.
The kallang wave.
yeah. damn seh. hope singapore retains the cup. the deserved it.
till nxt time.
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