Thursday 27 November 2008

of firefly, mimosa flowers and sunsets.

Just back from yet another fatep training. which had it's fair share of fun moments, jokes, beauty and ultimately suffering. The days were long and the nights longer but i managed to keep myself occupied with mimosa flowers and firefly. singular. haha. saw a single firefly flying around in my safety rover on tuesday. And was quite amused by it. but it was beautiful. People praise the beauty of fireflies, of beauty in numbers. But it's the singular that amazes me. In a tree of fireflies perhaps its but only one of the myriad of lights, but in my safety vehicle it's the only bringer of light, the only source of confort amongst the barbarian shouts outside. The way it flickers on and off, like a lamplighter of ancient times, guarding that piece of land against total darkness.

And the mimosa flower. that humble little tuff of pink or yellow amongst the entanglement of thorns. the singular beauty in the vast wilderness.


and yes.
Have you ever seen the sunset?

Its the most beautiful view ever. especially when you're outfield.

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