Went singing with jiayi, zixuan, jiongyu, and qiaoyi on friday. haha. surprised at how rusty my sound was. haha. 4 yrs since i last sang properly had taken its toll on me. And i nearly forgot it was halloween night. but people around just had to remind me of it.(check lame-ass ninja wannabes with a cloth across their faces rolling across the pedestrian crossing and running around in a naruto-esque way) or (zombie look-alikes who probably look more like them without their masks) and TAXI TOUTS WHO ARE JUST IDIOTS F**kers.
had a bad wkend with taxis. friday couldn't get a cab cos stupid taxi touts were hoarding those taxis into their backstreets, charging an AUDACIOUS price for people like me to go home. I mean its illegal. and to have it right in the middle of the so called 'town' of singapore is just wrong. what's with the 'busy' and 'on call' signs. Screw those touts. If only i was of a clearer mind. those idiots are going to jail man.
And then there was today. morning. My mum with me and my sis in the car had patiently waited for this parking space in this crowded car park. and we finally got it. So my mum was reversing into the lot when some idiot TAXI from nowhere, just decided that its a 'survival of the fastest' thing and just zipped in. near-missing my parents car. Outraged and incensed, i went forth and said nicely at first, that we were there first and it was only by social courtesy that we should get the place. To which he just blazed at me, as if i stepped on his tail and shouted at me, saying that i am bullying him and that the place was anyone's once it was vacated and i was wrong to even start talking to him. And to me that was the last straw, there i am trying to be calm and nice and there some people are, shouting and cursing me. I shouted back then, protecting my families pride. i mean if there's an ounce of sense in that guy, or at least a concience, he just had to pull out and all is resolved. A clearer minded me would have taken down his plate no. and complained. but well.. i was kinda groggy and angry in the morning so haha.
Anyway. those idiots have just reminded me that singapore ain't the rosy place we are led to think it is. I mean its one thing to not have petty thieves and robbers, not that they are totally absent here, and another to have a gracious society. To me, a balance must be striked. Something perhaps like NZ if i may just comment, where yes, there is perhaps a slightly higher crime rate than singapore, but for the normal people, they have a higher social standard, like giving way to the driver turning in from the opposite direction, or giving way to each other at a junction during a traffic jam, that's what singapore should be like. Not old, rude taxi drivers undeserving of the title 'Senior' citizen. Or able-handed taxi touts who does nothing but collude with the corrupt taxi drivers to jack up the prices, Is there law in their eyes, or is there but the glint of gold and money? We boast to be a first class nation, but this isn't the ways of a first-class citizen. Sometimes i only hope these people will take abit of time off making money, and think of themselves and their actions.
Anyway on another note. Loving my new Tigers. haha. and a wonder how four guys could spend an afternoon in one shop and cause a bill of..
Well. Till nxt time then. broke for the rest of the month. gonna fast.
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