Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Goodbye GP
From now on. I will not write any more commentary on view points. Nor will i be ask to do any more 'application' questions or summaries.. Instead, if i even wield my pen again, it will be to craft stories, write fantasies, no more GP. haha.
but still there is the A levels. and if on the unfortunate event that i have to retake... well.. I do not dare think bout it..
Nth much else. Till nxt time.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Day 1.
Onward, Wong's armada!!
go read stuff now.. GP tomorrow.
Monday, 29 October 2007
The Start of the End
In a football match, this is the 88th minute.
In a race, they call it the final sprint.
In world war II, they called it the battle of Stalingrad.
In my life, I call it the A levels.
For this is truly the beginning of the end.
One of those milestones in life where one must face.
Want, I do, to say that these are the times I live for,
The duels for a knight.
Though a prince and a king I hope to be,
But given a choice,
I do not want to fight this war.
Not scared, just have this feeling inside me,
Saying if i screw up now, I am done for for life.
And somehow i fear it will be prophetic.
Yes, some call it nervous.
Maybe I am.
The months of mugging.
Days of Emoing
Hours of typing this.
Minutes of getting those thought sorted out in my head.
All this will hopefully pay off.
Did the Physics specimen paper today. The last paper 3 i was able to lay my hands on. Ok. There still are a few on blackboard. but i did printed some. And all the papers i was able to get not bad marks. Normally due to many good questions and one bad questions. But wad if the paper tomorrow will be the mixture of all these bad questions? i dare not think. Worrier i may be, Worrier i am. I could not live and let live. Its just one kind of a pre-exam, waddyacallit?, ritual for me. Must emo.
Hopefully. I could do it.
On a brighter note. To everyone, yeah, those ppl mentioned in the farewell post, to all taking the a levels. Good Luck. Godspeed. And may the best be the best.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Final Sprint.
Dunno.. damn scared.. but somehow everytime i reach home i couldn't stop FMing.. at least i study out.. if not i am screwed..
nth much else.. now going to bathe under the waterfall and meditate.. hopefully it will bring me through.. haha.
till nxt time.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
solving mysteries
Mystery no. 1. what the hell the lift is saying. to me its sounds like its saying '4th storey' for both 1st and 3rd storey. but Jiaying begs to differ and thinks that it is saying its correct level. well. if i have the time and heart to do so.. i will go to the library. stand outside the lift. and survey everyone who comes out of it.
Mystery no.2. The mystery of the unemployed guy. Well, this is the story. everyday at the library, there is this one guy, 20 30 years of age. who does absolutely nothing at all but irritate others and loaf around. one thing i really wanna noe is if he really is unemployed.
Mystery no. 3. The mystery of the she-male. yeah. tt's the one at the Siglap Macs. haha. last time ask the class also have varied response.. haha. so one day.. yeah.
anyway.. was reading this just now at the library.. haha.. somehow things like this sort of interests me.. haha.

nth much else.. till nxt time.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
1. trespass this place
every time i walk pass this place, its antique architecture and mystique dazzles me and one day i will go in.. i dun have a picture with me now but seriously.. no one could walk pass it and not want to know what it is. yeah. And one day i went in through the main gate and asked the person there, 'what is this place' to which she replied 'still road' and i said,' no, what is this buidling?' to which she said 'i dunno, i am just working here' at when i am quite certain i saw her press a button in her pocket.. probably signalling the secrets inside to arm and ready themselves for an unwelcomed visitor. well. one day. i am gonna find out for myself wad is it.
haha. though the map have given quite a giveaway.. but who noes what adventure awaits..
Monday, 22 October 2007
12 papers and
29 days to the end of
12 yrs of education spanning
6 schools
50 days till i am
18 and
52 days till enlistment.
Somewhat ready for the A's for chem, physics n maths.. somewhat able to solve most of the questions i attempted. Somewhat slack. and Somewhat comforting myself here. With the release of FM like 3 days ago.. have been playing alot. not to mention MHF2 also. haha.
Dunno. damn no mood for econs and GP. and i think actually the skool's study break had an reverse effect esp on GP. cos i suddenly feel super rusty again. dunno. everytime emo bout GP. what if there is no sports question again? what if the compre is too hard for me? what if i will fail it? what if---? i dunno. everytime think of GP i emo. cos the best essay i ever wrote for a non-sports qn was like 20/50. which is definitely not good enough. I fear.
this sux..
till nxt time...
and soon.. everything will be over.. and for 1 month at least.. i will have endless hours of freedom.
Friday, 19 October 2007
countdown 10
ready? i seriously dunno. there are doubts everywhere in the questions i am doing now.. but i dunno.. guess i am somewhat ready?
nth much else.
till nxt time.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence of the Principality of Marinebithia.
In the name of Wong, chosen High Prince of the Principality of Marinebithia, by election, by conquest, by self-declaration, I declare the following territories independent from state: the Holy room of the prince to the study room with the computer and along with the potted plants outside and the fish tank in the living room and my permanent seat at the dining table and the living room, along with the entire population of the principality including but not limited to our high prince Diego Wong, Prince of Marinebithia, Marquis De Carabas, Emperor of the fish tank, Monarch of the cactuses, King of the couch, the 9 goldfishes under his rule, 10000 ants living under the earth in the flower pots and 5 billion single celled organisms constantly multiplying and declare themselves free from foreign rule.
We, therefore as representatives of the People of Marinebithia, in general congress, assembled, appealing to the supreme judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do in the name, and by authority of the good organisms of Wong, and in the name of our Marquis, our Prince, solemnly publish and declare, that the Most Invincible Monarchy of Wong one and of right ought to be, free and independent. that is now absolved from all allegiance to the outside society, and that all political connections between them and The Others, is and ought to be totally dissolved and that as free and independent, we have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent Kingdom may of right do.
And for the support of this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honour.
We extend the hand of peace and good neighbourliness to all the states around us and to their peoples.
On the first day of the rule of Prince Wong I otherwise known as the 17th of october 2007
more to come as i draft out my constitution and emblems and national anthem and speeches...
[Disclaimer] the above declaration of independence is strictly ficticious and unreal. All real governments pls do not attack us. we are but a small country. thanks.
lolz.. till nxt time
Saturday, 13 October 2007
The need for an army
Pros (not that there are any like i said in one of my earlier posts, but what i would say as relative pros):
- The earlier you enter, the earlier you exit.
not totally true as i have already an extra one month from my failing of my natpha.. but come 2010, i would still be out by Jan after 762 days of serving the nation. dunno bout anyone. but 'serving the nation' has slavery connotations to me. - I would not have to endure with days and hours of having nothing to do. In fact, i would have so much to do. But wait. Isn't the former what i prefer?
- Who don't love the army?
er.... me? and dont even get me started on the uselessness of a defense force in Singapore. yet.
- Well. given a choice i would rather go in later than 2 days after my 18th birthday. What a wonderful birthday present the Singapore government had kindly given me.
- I wont even live to see my A level results.
The costs are just too high. not monetary costs. but opportunity costs for everyone. 2 years is not a short period of time. Bill gates forsaken his college education to save his 2 years. and for everyone 2 years is a long time. A levels is a 2 years course and anyone saying that this 2 years are as much a waste of time as army could bloody go sign on the army forever. 2 years are nothing to some, but even with a high life expectancy of 78 for males in singapore ( i myself do not think i would live till that cos of my sickly body), 2 years are 2.56% of one's lifetime and if everyone is making such a big fuss over a 2% rise in GST. is 2.56% of ones life less costly? or is life worth less than money to everyone?
Sure. one may argue that the army let you gain insights on other parts of life and do your part for the country. But is not studying and graduating early so that you could contribute to GDP doing your part for the country? And given a choice, i would hardly wait to continue my education and continue to work hard towards my dream of owning a private island somewhere in fiji, micronesia, mauritus or some country with many inhabited islands. Yes, it cannot be denied that going into the army nurtures skills such as determination and diligience etc. but does it also not rub off one's creativity and individuality and makes everyone stick to conformity? And is the 'course fees' of 2 years of our life too high? And again one can argue that isn't conformity what singapore needs? a common identity that the government wants? and the same old arguement that 'Singapore is a small country and we can't have radical people left and right attacking the government'. The same reasons public gatherings of more than 5 people needs a permit and the same reason Dr Chee gets into trouble again and again. Not that i agree of his actions. But do we really want 4 million citizens of unswaying obedience to the government? What if the government fails one day. I mean the government now is strong, good ,and in fact very good, and i am very thankful to have the government we have now but what if one day someone bad gets into power?
Also, one may say that NS is our way of giving to society and as John Kennedy said 'ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.". but shouldn't we have a choice on thinking what we could do for our country. I am not a genius in any way and nor am i rare talent by any means. but shouldn't people such as the pianist whom was so much critised last time for evading NS be free from NS for their contributions to the country? And shouldn't all be free to choose how to serve the country? some who feel that joining the army and the best they could do is to defend the country could join the army. those who think that they could win medals for their countries will do sports. and those, like me, who feel that their best contribution perhaps would come from economic means, should pursue that degree and work and contribute to GDP. And as an addition to the conformity due to the military lifestyle point above, Didn't Kennedy also said that "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.", so is conscription really best for us?
Nevertheless, I am not altogether against my enlistment or as some may have thought by reading the above paragraphs. I am just stating my case and my beliefs. Many would not agree with my view but yeah who cares. The truth is. I am proud of Singapore but i would not be ready to lay down my life for her. I salute those who will. but to me, I am just not ready to die. Call me a coward. Call me a wimp. But at the end of the day, i believe each man for himself and i seriously want to have a wholesome life that does not end before i hit 20.
But the way i see it. My enlistment and conscription is already a hard fact built into my garden of destiny and for now. there is only one path ahead. And thus. I shall go in with an open mind. and well, do the best that i can of it, and perhaps like choir last time, it won't be as bad as i think it would be. Or as my mother puts it 既来之,则安之.
till nxt time
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Enlistment notice
Enlistment date: 13/12.
Is this a sick joke by the government? pulling ppl in less than 48 hrs after they turn 18. yeah. just recieved news that the date listed above. now i have no mood to do anything. sian.
tomorrow gonna take it out on LAN. but now. let me chill and cool down and mayb later when i can i will write something when i cool down.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
How i hope for all this to end. and soon. it will.
till nxt time.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Open Letter to my PSP
Dear Morpheus,
I'm sorry, my beloved PSP. I have decided that we should go on separate ways for now. Do not be angry or mistaken, I still love you as much as when i first saw that black shiny face of yours. But Its time i part for you for the moment. For there is this mountain i must scale, this wywern i must slay. And i could not do it with you at my side, constantly taking my attention of the prize, with you ever so attractive and nice to the touch. And thus, I'm sorry but we must part. But fear not, for i have found you a great caretaker, whom i believe would guard you with her life and protect you from any harm. And my mission would take just 40 days and 40 nights. And after that, i would welcome you back into my fingers and then we would get aquainted with my family as well as other PSPs, new or old but none as good as you. And then, we will show the world, how good a team we are. Morpheus, i will miss you, even now as i write this i am feeling withdrawal symtoms from you. But 40 days, we shall endure it together, won't we, Morpheus? I know you will miss me too but for the future of me and mankind (though it is not directly related, or maybe it is, depending on the angle you look at it), This is goodbye for now. And so we bade farewell. And i'll see you in 40 days.
Goodbye, Morpheus.
-Your Master,
Marquis Diego
yeah. written in tears, my open letter to my psp, though i doubt it would ever gain enough intellect to understand it. but yeah. A's are 20 days away and its really full speed ahead for now.
So goodbye morpheus. and yeah. most other temptations too.
and till nxt time i guess..
Monday, 8 October 2007
But now. The Giant Khezu awaits my slaying.
Friday, 5 October 2007
And now. As prelims end and my- what was it?- 12 yrs?- of school ends with today’s farewell assembly. Its time to Emo. And I guess this will be a long long post. Yeah. Like all posts of emoing, I shall limit my use of ‘lolz’ and ‘haha’. Lolz. Yeah. Schooling have been fun. Primary. Secondary, then JC, shaping the me that is me now. Yeah. In these 12 yrs, I guess I have never really wanted to miss school (save a few real stupid useless days like some stupid celebrations kind of thing).. and yeah.. its been great.
Yeah. So lets start. Primary school. My first school was one at Klang, near to the damn tok kong bak kut teh which I still eat many a time when I go back to
Primary 2, they say it’s the yr the demon grows in me, making me turn ‘ bad’ as my mother puts it. Yeah. But I remember it as the start of perhaps my fear of change. Cos yeah. I changed primary skool after pri 1. and lost all my friends of cos. Yeah. And it’s the yr I began to perfect my lying skills. Haha. Cos the teachers are calling my parents almost weekly bout my skool work. And I was punished many a time by my parents, but I guess instead of its intended effect, the punishments simply made me try to craft a better lie the next time.. yeah. Even till now. But yeah. My art is still not perfected I guess. Haha. this is a bad habit i just gotta change. yeah.
I remember the end of primary 3 more than the start. Cos it was another time where I have to leave my friendships behind, yeah, this time to come to
And thus I reached
And primary 5 came. And new friends I finally made, in Mcron, Leslie, Edmund and Nigel, and 2 others I forgot, one of which is called jordan but we didn't call him with that name. but yeah. We 5 was sort of the core member. And I remember the times of the Mew2, mew and mew3 gyms, where we wrestled till the bus came. Haha. And in me, the skool had the smartest as well as one of the most undisciplined student, the reason I was never chosen for prefects or monitor or anything. Haha. Bar one short span as monitor, and served well and responsibly I did.. but afterall, I was just a temporary one. Haha. But I did represent the skool for plenty of competitions then. Like everything also send me. Which helped boost my ego and make me, well, me. Haha.
And thus the concluding chapter of my primary skool life came, primary 6 was perhaps the best of the primary skool yrs. More wrestling, and yeah. Much more. Remembered for twisting my ankle on the day of the higher Chinese exams of psle for wrestling. Haha. Yeah. Never forgetting those days man. Yeah. And to Mcron and Leslie, if you ever come across this, yeah. I have heard sad things bout u guys, and can only hope u guys seriously change, and remember things u said last time. Edmund n Nigel, guess u are doing well, yeah. All the best dudes. Haha. And to all other primary skool mates, yeah, all the best too. Haha. And I shall remember many of you. And at least your names. Nabil, the short guy. Shafie, my first friend in coral. Khairul, the malay who watched Chinese dramas, Adam, the head prefect who I used to disturb. and a few others whom I can recall by incidents, eg. The guy who used to raise the paper lightbulb above his head before answering qns, whose trick I copied a few times to rousing laughter. El something, the guy who drew future digimon with my future pokemon at the back of the class, who probably helped me start my road to liking comics. Yeah. I remember. The name was Al-Zufri.. haha.
And at the end of those 6 yrs I got posted to AHS, the academy of heroic students. Haha. And who could forget my first yr there. Haha. And perhaps the most important thing that happened that yr happened 3 days into the yr. yeah. Choir. Haha. I still remembered the day I and reub camped outside the old music room at the tree. Our conversation I remember are as follows.
‘choir 2nd auditions?’
‘yah. You also?’
‘You want to go in?’
‘dunno leh. You?’
….. and just then, a older girl from inside came out and asked, “here for 2nd auditions?”
We looked at each other and nodded, stupidly at that time, but now we thought back, I guess there has been a higher power who really did noe what was best for us then, and yeah. We went in. and yeah. Need I say we are in choir now?. Haha. And my class then had 5 choir guys, I, reub, noch, zhou and ivan. Yeah. Ivan left for hong kong a yr after, but who could forget his “我生气了!” and charging forward duing soccer. Haha. And his constand singing of pasigin, which has etched the song into our memories, haha. Or at least parts of the song. Haha. And so many thing I remember of this yr, perhaps cos I am older and remember abit more. Haha. I remember those txt based online games we used to play, archmage, parallel universe etc. haha. Yeah. And another thing was that I had a shock. A big one. Haha. My results at coral was fantastic to say the least, haha. And I came to AHS all proud of myself. Haha. But yeah. I was wrong. Haha. Crashed I did during my first yr. haha. 246 out of 360 students. Yeah. And 3/100 for art. Haha. But of cos I worked hard and pushed forward. Yeah. And am now where I am. And another important place in sec 1 was the counseling center. Haha. The daily Risk™ matches as well as beyblade battles we use to hold at the top most sanctuary of that building and of course, the event that made us neva pon choir again in our entire choir life unnecessarily- the Ms Ow fiasco. Haha. I, reub, zhou and Ivan cleverly ponned choir one fine day to go to CC to play risk™ and beyblade. We were having great fun man.. enjoying the games as well as the thrill and achievement of ponning. Then at about 3 something 4. Ms Ow came. I zhou and reub was stunned. The beyblades dropped from our hands and stopped turning. Ivan attempted hiding under the sofa. But we were caught. And had to write some apology letter later for the ‘emotional hurt’ we have caused to Ms Ow. Haha. And we only have one person to blame for this, don’t we, Enoch?” haha. Jkjk. A sidenote was that choir had its only concert since our joining in that yr, and I went to the concert still not knowing how to sing 2 songs. Haha.
Sec2. haha. And the advent of magic into my life. Haha. Yeah. Magic. As in magic the card game. Haha. And soccer. Haha. It was the yr I started to get really interested in soccer.. I mean I watch some matches here and there at events like world cup before. But it was then, that I started loving football. Haha. After skool everyday go kick at street soccer court and outside skool. Haha. Damn fun. But Magic is still the most important thing that happened.. haha. Damn fun.. and sort of developed the artistic side of me with the art on the cards. Haha. And yeah. On the choir front, haha, it’s the yr tt we guys really got to know each other, and got to know ppl like ran, Daniel, colin and manhope. Yeah. And form the greatest brotherhood yet. Haha. And it was the yr we got the silver for SYF. And yeah. We were looking at the seniors crying, and we are like, is it that sad?. Haha. But we got it back, in style. Haha. Afterwhich I think we joined several things like went to genting, and I think the syf opening ceremony in which we sang the umafamiliar song.. haha. And it was the real beginning of the Kok Wars. Haha. Yeah. The class against kok. Haha. But now to think of it. We are perhaps quite bad haha. But who cares. It was fun.
And in sec 3 i was moved to 3H, where the only person I knew was Leonard and to a lesser extent,
Sec 4 soon came, and things remained the same. Haha. Still running down for food, doing rubbish. Haha. And I adopted
And of course JC followed. And with my marks I was posted to VJC. I guess the most memorable thing of the yr have been covered like more than once by me in earlier posts so I shall not elaborate bout it. I shall instead, concentrate on other stuff. Yeah. JC life was, after intense reflection, somewhat of a waste for me.. firstly. My t3a hardly fills one page and so is my cca record which is very short to say the least. Yeah. That sux. And if I had one chance to relive my JC life I would have joined a cca like say.. choir or something and do my best in it. Or at least do more stuff.. yeah. Its sad to see when everyone’s got great achievements in all areas and all I have to show is my somewhat above average grades where most if not all would be able to get in the a levels. Yeah. So. One big regret for my life here. But back to JC1. One important thing that happened is I guess PW, in which I had high hopes for after my swearing to defeat my archenemy who wanted my exclusion in the team at first. But yeah. I guess though I did not achieve the grade I aimed for.. I guess I won the battle in another way. Another thing worth remember was that in J1, the western food sells fries and fried stuff everyday, and so I and Jiesheng and Junyu of last time 1st 3 mths everyday whacked. Or almost everyday anyway. And yeah. It was heavenly. Coming from a food forsaken place called AHS whose western food, to put it in a word, Sucked.
And along came JC2. of which’s most important moment I am currently preparing for. The As. And so it shall be ignored yet again. Besides that, I guess the most important thing ,or should I say the As are the most important thing besides this, is the forming of a new friendship, the ultimate conversion from deadly foes to great friends. Yeah. Thank you. Jia Ying. Yeah.
Anyway. That much on top was typed pretty much some weeks ago as I planned for this post. Back to today. Yeah. Today morn went for farewell assembly and for the last time perhaps of my life would talk to some people whom I may never meet again or for some meet rarely. Yeah. The world is small. But big enough to separate everyone. Yeah. Afterwhich had a class lunch at fish n co. which was satisfying. And after which I, jiaying, jimmy, rong n ming went play lan @
Well nth much else. Yeah. To everyone i know well/ am best friends with/ sort of know/ knew before coming to/ know only by face/ know only by name/ know only by association/ said ‘hi’ to before/ waved at before/ raised my eyebrow to before/ don’t know at all/ will get to know soon/ will never get to know/ not applicable*, yeah. Thank you for being part of my life, or soon to be part of my life, or not being part of my life at all. And I guess.. my gift is my song.. and yeah. This song’s for you. How wonderful life is.. now you’re in the world. Yeah.
*delete accordingly
So. Goodbye for now.
Till nxt time.
[update 6/10 11:50am] more names. as ASM rightly said. yeah. Jordan was Kun Feng. and It was Al-Jufri. haha. but both sounded the same anyway. haha.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
preliminary roundup
A quick roundup.
Maths- A. consistency is the key and i guess this is one of my proudest subject.
Chem- C. considering the toughness of the paper and the relative marks wrt to PK and sundar and a few others. i would say i performed well.
Physics- A. good. as kwek says. but not unexpected as can be seen by the numbers of Aces in class and in school
Econs.- C. Lovely. the 24/30 and 17/25 in one of the case studies and essay is the icing on the cake as it show that i can write A standard answers given the right qn. press on.
GP- D. best ever grade for it but like i said in my last post. A D just aint good enough.
Dl-ing FM08 demo right now. cant wait for it to be ready sia. its the time of the yr again. and i remember the joy i got last yr as i clicked on FM07.exe and installed the demo. and a magical land sprung out. What joy. What excitement. What exhilaration. and i hope 08 is gonna give me the same thing over again.
that's all. and i guess must blog on a lower frequency cos i wan my 200th post on this blog to coincide with the end of A levels.
Monday, 1 October 2007
upping the tempo
This cant do man. everyone's upping the tempo and raising the bar. Its time for the final sprint and like everytime during my 2.4. my heart and lungs are giving up. but this time.. i'm gonna make it man. its make or break time.. 2 years.. and it all depends on these final 2 mths of hard work to make it count. yeah. and its time for the churchill speech again.. "It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival."
yeah. have to supercharge soon.. been drifting and near-missing enough to fill the bar.. and its time to burnout.. burnout dominator.. yeah.
till nxt time.