I shall start from thursday, since i last posted on wednesday. well. i went for the medicine interview on thursday. and seriously, you have those standard post interview feeling that says, ok, i-only-screwed-up-on-like-a-few-questions-but-i-am-still-screwed-beyond-help kinda feeling. but i guess. all in all it went well..
yes. but i will now shift to worst of the 2 days. which is. today. It started out just fine. with everything going according to my ideas. a slack morning. just sitting in the auditorium. afternoon was tiring. with the fire movement and running/dragging/crawling around. but it was the night that really f***ed me up. well. mostly cos i booked out at 9. and also about the people. and how they think and how do i act as a pacifist.
Firstly about how they think. I was asked this question in camp. As a medic, if an enemy falls in front of you, wounded severely, but rescueable, but without your help he will most surely die. Will i save him? an enemy against my cause. or will i leave him to die, giving up my morals for my country? I don't know. some may call me weak and stupid, but given such a choice, i will save the person, even if he was to come back to haunt me and kill my family. At least i guess i would have done my part and if a higher power was to question me on my death, I am ready to answer for my actions. I mean, look, if a war was to break out, i won't even directly shoot an enemy shooting at me. I would rather be shot than to shoot. Many will say that's dumb, but i guess that's my principles. I will not kill or through my actions, directly or indirectly let a person die, no matter for what reason or for what cause. Furthermore, a war is a political battle, when its down to me and a casualty, its now a personal front. like the only difference between him and a comrade is the uniform he's wearing. And a life, is after all, a life.
And also about how to keep the peace in my bunk. who should i help, the deluded, the disillusioned or the disdained? each presents his own case well and i like all 3 of them as bunk mates. but yeah. field camp's coming and i fear for my section. or myself, I'm kinda selfish in this aspect.
on to more cheerful stuff. I have completed the design of the crest of my principality.

well. it isn't much. but it signifies all the important qualities of my nation. I shall elaborate.
Firstly, the symmetrical shape of the crest, signifying equallity of all men under wong and working in harmony towards our common goals.
The seperated two sides, representing personal life and work. and the superimposed scales into the wings, representing balance of these aspects and also representing justice among the people
Black and white. signifying officialdom and the denounciation of usage of means beyond that of pen and paper for defence and offence and the promotion of peace and equailty.
The central column, representing a sword's sheath, showing the country's belief in non-violence and non-military and peace.
The 2 'V's on either side of the central column, signifying the Vision and Vendetta of the founder and leader, Marquis Wong. His vision being a land free from war and and military while maintaining justice and law in the country. and his Vendetta against people who do not agree to his vision.
The vague potrayal of a human face, depicting a humane nation for all to live in.
haha. shall design my flag and other symbols soon.
typing that cheered me up.
haha. nth much else.
till nxt time
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