Well. Its been yet another 3 months of my military life and my life as a medic trainee is soon coming to an end. And yeah. though i hated that place, can't say i won't miss it at all. I mean. There are some friendship formed. Like say my bunk mates, Sufiyan, The Ting and The paranoid Android (whom i shall not name, for he fears being known), Its been great having u guys as bunk mates and yeah. Dun be angry, Thing.. haha. And there's ppl like Barry, Jun ning, Zhang Hao and many others whom i should name but hadn't. Not that you guys are not important, in fact, every one is to me ( or almost everyone that is). I mean, i wouldn't forget the daily battles i made with zhang hao, or the meals with barry, jun ning, jing yuan, jiang ming, and the others. Or talking to Wei Jun or suang or Matthew or the many others i had spoken to.
Sure, we had had some bad times, and the platoon ain't really as bonded, but i like it this way, with everyone slacking together ( with a few exceptions of course) and yeah, for those who dun, how we hated them together. And yeah, there's some sense of pride after all. From our very very first IV, until now, the 9th and almost last. Can't say i've improved much, but yeah. And all the tests that we had. And yeah, our dear old Sarge C. who manages to piss us off almost everytime.
But yeah, the talking was the best here, like Mr. Paranoia, In him i found a person who viewed life from a different angle, and through this angle i saw life too from a different angle, one i never knew existed at first. And yeah, its real enjoyable talking to him. Best buddies man. haha.
And yeah, 2 of the many pics... I esp like this line.
And no one messes with the mosquito man. :)
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