Monday, 24 December 2007
The tragedy of the dogs
They guard masters who do not acknowledge them,
constantly shooing them away.
They serve with unwavering loyalty,
without ever a thought of revolt,
only for what?
scraps. food. a little pat on the head.
They settle at the feet of masters,
never harboring any hopes of rising to the top.
Yet they do so with pride and honour,
while allowing themselves to be trampled over by men
again without any murmur or bark.
And when men do not need them,
or at the slightest of complaints,
the dogs are murdured,
cruel, cold-bloodedly
and as inhumanely as humans could,
without an ounce of guilt.
and what remains of the rest of the pack.
they remain loyal.
soldiering on,
yet no complaints again.
Sadness feel their eyes,
you could see them searching for their murdered brothers,
ever on the lookout.
Yet if you look deeper,
you could see that they already know what happened
even before the murders.
But alas,
its in their contract to serve
and to protect-
With their lives.
not a poem. not a prose. just something i wrote for the sad dogs of the company in the army. brutally murdered just because of some complaints by some parents for fear of the dogs bite. I pity them. I admit, i wasnt fond of them when i first came. I saw them as strays, Vagabonds, freeloaders only here for the food. But as time past, i grew a soft spot for them. The way they bark at other dogs who attempt to 'invade' the company, the way they march alongside platoons, proud as a general yet humble as a soldier, and the way they seem to understand commands, when the command is given for the soldiers to sit, you could see them just behind the platoons, sitting down straight, looking at the other direction, guarding the backs of a thousand soldiers, and the way they settle down next to the status personnel during runs, asif saying 'do not worry, i want to run too, but i understand you guys and for that i will stay with you', and the way they do not take the indifference of the people to heart, still following us ever around, the way they stop at the gate at the road junction as if knowing it is their boundary to their home and stand guard there till we return from our meals, and the way they seem to tell us through silence to soldier on, telling us that they have been here for years and that we could do it. May we remember these dogs always and may the remaining few remain forever.
Army life is well. army life. I can't really put it in words. I could say its a prison with invisible bars, but that would be inaccurate and unfair to some of the superiors. I could say its just a storm every man have to past, but that would not be fair for the sunny days we had. To tell the truth, i guess i'm kinda fine in army. my platoon and especially my section(U4S4) have been great so far and its more than i hoped for. yeah. and seriously. army i guess needs to be experienced yourself. It just isn't the same hearing war stories and going to war yourself.
On a happier note. Merry Chirstmas to all. and a toast to all for the dogs.
till nxt time
Thursday, 20 December 2007
i think a day of emoing have put me back onto my track and i shall now go and conquer my fears.. as batman and a million other comics put it.. the worst thing to fear is fear itself. so no fear. i shall chiong.
arms and ankle still aching.. but im sure i can cope..
so once again.. bye guys.. i shall be back for another post by christmas.. and hopefully by then i will have the time enough to write up some stories already.
till nxt time.
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Home. Sweet. Home
All was fine till the RO tonight. before that, my thoughts were all on food and entertainment as i return. Joy laughter and Freedom for 24 hours. but today. after i came off the ferry i started to see what i am truly missing and the true meaning of home sweet home. Honestly now i can say, there is nothing better than home. not in the macro sense about country and even neighbourhood. but your one and only home. the house whose door will always be open to you. No book out time. no nothing. one which you will willingly volunteer guard duty for and if needed lay down your life for anytime. As i past down the road on the bus just now in my no.4. I was so emo-ed by the sight of Loyang Ave and Pasir Ris drive 1 that i almost cried. all the landmarks that i past so many times without more than a second glance, all the trees, grass and HDB flats that i just ignored everytime i walked past. The fields i ran carefree as i chased the soccer ball. The lift that never came when i wanted to use the toilet. Even the roads that i may not have walked but once or twice. Never really thought about home this much till i reach here.
And then as i entered my house. how i welcomed the sound of the 24 hours ringing buddhist chant of the altar. and the soft touch of the carpet and the yellow lights of home dimmed to a homely ambience impossible to reproduce elsewhere. the 10 yr old sofa i always complained about suddenly seemed so welcoming. And my room, not even close to the neatness of the bunk but ever so comfortable. the chair, all its wooden skeleton all but broken but now so inviting. The computer, so cold and quiet, now exuberant with my old life showing me that i still exists in it and one day if i need to, i just have to download it back into myself.
enough of typing.. have to go enjoy my home till tomorrow comes.
Last time i didn't understand what ppl meant when they say home is where the heart is or a thousand other metaphors.. but now i do.
Good night guys. and for those who could always be at home. cherish it.
till nxt time
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Today | Tomorrow
Today. I did my final preparations for army. buying stuff that need to be bought.
Today. I killed my last goblin and concluded my final game of BFME.
Today. I finished my last day of my civilian life.
Tomorrow. I will no longer have food as i please. No longer will i have a choice of how well done i want my steak to be. In fact, i may not get any steak at all.
Tomorrow. I will sleep in a brand new bed. One I will not feel at nest in.
Tomorrow. My life will change totally. No longer can i do as i please.
Tomorrow. I will answer my call of duty again. only this time its not in a 3.5" LCD screen.
Tomorrow. I will bade goodbye to Morpheus, my psp.
Tomorrow. I will not be able to post.
Tomorrow. I will for one last time check soccernet for football updates. For i would not be able to do so for two weeks.
Tomorrow. I will click here one more time. to look at my computer one last time.
Tomorrow. 1pm. white sands. ain't it ironic? My gateway to the outside world for close to 10 years now will become the entrance to my prison.
till nxt time. which is 2 wks later or more. goodnight mates. and goodbye.
Ode to the eternal brothers
An Ode to the eternal brothers.
We met as strangers, unfamiliar,
but then came choir, our unifier,
Zhou, Ran, Hoe and Reub the joker
Noch, Cole, Lai and Jon our junior.
From the our initial 'buay song',
to our very last song.
never once did we fight for long.
It all started with a simple phrase
'Guys are you here for choir today?'
As we were all still in a daze
we were drawn in without a say.
Now i look back with amaze
there must be some miracle that day.
Many objections at first hoe raised
but after that he slowly obeyed.
after that came many stories
if which told will take centuries
and thus brothers eternal we will be.
From ran the man,
who 'leapt from a van'
once the ruler of the choir lands.
And as a striker score he can,
also too friends he will defend.
Then theres zhou
who always seem to score a goal.
though some time he may 'appear a foe'
he will always be a good friend so.
Also there's the joker reub
who always seem to hold the group.
always late for meetings he would
Score goals when no one thought he could
but never does so when he should
and joko joko with magic cards
made to wait today like a retard
and so my apologies i send with my regards.
And not forgetting Sir Manhope
nothing ever he cant cope.
To others he may be a joke
but to us he still got hope.
And the ever-singing Enoch Long,
who until now still singing song.
To the brothers he will belong
Until time strikes the final gong.
And jon and Colin,
both never stop joking.
and go on dudes. you'll never stop rocking.
Monday, 10 December 2007
If i lived in ancient China, this age would see me marrying a girl already.. or several girls.. depending on my family's wealth.
If i stayed in NZ i would be doing my university studies now.
18. and then 48 hours after that. army. This year was unlike the last. if the year of 17 was a year of discovery, this is a year of disillusionment and reflection. Firstly, this year see me went through the a period where dreams i thought were merely dreams and a period where i started believing again.. like a child who ceased to believe in narnia and barred entry to it.. i regained my ticket to narnia. Then i found out how true friends were made. How some stand by you in times of trouble and some appear out of nowhere and some change from foe to friend and well. vice versa. How some tell me that the way to sucess is to work hard with both feet on the ground and how i start to think that if you put both feet on the ground you will never fall, but neither will you ever fly. How my idea of army changed from downright oppresion to necessary slavery to heck-care-just-whack.
anyway.. haha. its one year came and one year gone..
so. happy birthday wong.
its 6.5 hours left.
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Give up what was never mine
To give up what was never mine.
Never thought it will be as painful like this.
But it is what that had to be done.
A conclusion to what had been amazing yet torturous for the past 6 months.
thank you.
but sorry and goodbye.
this is the only way i could think of.
couldn't sleep whole of last night.
But its ok. It shows me my choice is essential.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
and we talked rubbish again at round 3am.. at the playground opposite the graveyard.. sharing how time seems to fly and that in 10 days.. all we know will change.. yeah. and the cup noodle was nice. haha. yeah. And if you put both feet firmly on the ground, you will never fly.. yeah.
seems only yesterday we still swimming before the prelims sia.. den with click of the fingers.. time just flew past..
Saturday, 1 December 2007
Firstly on planes.. i think there is a conspiracy on the planes.. they give u toilets so small you get claustrophobic and then they serve u shit food so you have to get into the toilet to hear the sounds of air zooming pass the plane and get so shaken you cannot walk straight. haha. not that terrible.. but close. but one good thing on planes.. at least they give you good movies to watch..
On emperors.. things dun get any better than being an emperor in ancient china.. just going to their numerous gigantically magnificent palaces makes me jealous and in awe. Imagine it.. You have a house so big if you stay in a different room since you were born every night.. you would take 27 years to finish living in it.. you have all the trappings of wealth and greatness with plenty of places to show it from the grandest of statues and carvings to the most minute details of the tiles on the floor and there is more.. you have gates, exclusive and titanic, with spectacular arches and and opening so big an army could pass through it... but no.. no one could pass through it 'cept you.. how wonderful is that.. and there is the fame and everything that comes with being an emperor.. everyone bows to you regardless of age and occupation.. and your word is law.. how bad can a life as an emperor get.
And then there is the good marketing strategy of the Chinese.. they are goddamn smart i tell you.. First they let the tour guide give you a talk on the things that you should buy.. and as a 'neutral' person.. we are more inclined to believe them than shopkeepers.. so they talk so much that your heart moves.. then when you reach the shops.. they show you around and ask for some big shot in the company to give some talk on their items... and sometimes they insert words on your health or stuff and wow.. they are persuasive.. even i get persuaded. haha. that's not a good gauge, ok. even my father gets persuaded.. and if anyone have been tracking the millions of times i have quarrelled with him.. you will noe that that takes skill.
Then there's this day we went to the zoo.. and 'cept for the pandas i have seen all the animals before.. but my thoughts were more on the thoughts of the animal than the animals itself. I saw this lion. solitary. in a compound so barren and cold that it does not in anyway imitates the savannahs from which he origin. and there he sat. sad and gloomy.. and i heard this boy ask.. why is the lion not moving. then i thought.. perhaps it was a quote i read from some books which i noe not.. but yeah. ok. putting it in my story's words.
'why are you not moving, o' king of beasts?'
"look all around you' the lion said ' have you been to a buffet where you are forced to watch and smell and not eat? I see and smell meat in all forms at close range everyday in my life. And never did they throw one down for me to consume. and the most pathetic thing is showing me all these spectacular food and then feeding me with goddamn chickens! Lions don't eat chickens! We eat buffalos! antelopes! elephants! hippopotami! Other Lions! Man! but not chickens! chickens are for dogs and lesser hunters man. I am the king of beasts, and you feed me CHICKENS!!!"
Thats for the lion and then there was the wolves running around in circles around their pathetically small compound and once again i thought on why did they do so and again i will put in in my
"why are you prancing in circles, wolves of grey fur?"
"don't ask me" the wolves said " we are just following the leader up ahead over there. yep. there he is the guy in the shiny black coat."
"Why do you lead them in circles then, leader wolf?"
"I see prey infront.. a wolfish grey kind of hound which we are hunting down.. but he seem to be always running in circles.. stopping when we stop.. running when we run. and he i well hunt and follow till the end... for wolves never give up.. its our inner nature." The black wolf says, before adding softly to our hero "and running in circles makes them forget that we are trapped in a small compound and i as their leader have to keep their morale up so one day when we are strong enough.. we could break out."
Enough of zoos. In china also went the great wall.which to me was scary cos i am kinda acrophobic and i could not get myself pass the 2nd tower. i had the strength to move but my legs refused to move and i do not trust myself to push it too far.. I fear that if i pushed my legs to far.. they will mutiny and run me off the cliff into a cold scary death below the walls.. guess its part of being not down to earth.. when you fly, you fear you fall but if you are down to earth, you will never fly.
One more thing.. EPL results should be posted everywhere... i had nightmares there about West ham VS tottenham and not knowing the results sux.
that's that for the trip. have to feed my gnawing hunger for FM. haha.
till nxt time.
Thursday, 22 November 2007
seriously. the airport changed alot since i last came inside here.. which aint long since it was only slightly more than a year ago that i last flew. lolz. and i am officiallly pissed with the keyboard.. i cant type 3 words without making a typo and having to backspace everything and retype.. only to restart the whole cycle again.
MInutes before my flight and i am still not really sure bout like going it.. I an happy and grateful and excited and everything for the trip but yeah... coming back with only 13days left kinda Sucks.. haha. Sian. gonna be missing out on so much back here while I will be there... haha.
typing this nnxt to dome angmoh who is usin gfacebook.. haha. random i noe.. haha. just thought he was interesting cos of the huge bag he was carrying.. haha. and that big bottle of water at the side.. and if liquids are not allowed on the plane and he is not allowed to por it away.. i dunno what he will do with it..
haha. nth else.
so till nxt time...
Taking off
For a moment yesterday, i suddenly felt aimless and lost.. suddenly studying was out of my life for a little while.. something i have did ever since i was born.. from the repeated tracing of ABCs and 123s to the problem sums of PSLE to the introduction of calculators in O levels and Graphic calculators in A levels.. I am not much of a mugger cept for the past 6 mths but yeah.. never have studies been so unimportant.. Guess this somehow shows the weakness of the Singapore Education system.. we have been studying far too hard.. dunno.. i am enjoying it though.. since i only have 15 days of hols not counting my trip, i wanna make the most out of it.. and for my novel i am writing.. i have came out with somewhat of another random chapter in it. the first one i wrote being the one about the race for the one day throne. shall write it in random order and one day perhaps string all of it together into my novel after further editing.
not publishing it here cos i guess its not ready yet.. and i have a meeting to catch.. so yeah.. thats for that..
flying off tonight so if an atom bomb fell on Singapore, a Tsunami hit Pasir Ris, or someone developed certain mutant powers, you may contact me via Email of if needed, the PRC police.
till nxt time then..
will blog if possible
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
It swells to envelop the firmament jn a grand exclamation.
It climaxes with the stentorian bark of an angry god.
It then retreats in the same subtle fashion with which it arrived,
leaving in its wake- the brightest day.
yeah. with the shading of 'c' as my final answer to my final question (dun talk about it, i am still unsure bout 50% of my qns), A levels have ended for me and many of my friends. I'm still in some kind of shock currently.. like the feeling nothing has changed but the feeling nothing is ever the same anymore. so though this is the 200 posts by counting.. it is not actually so cos my 1st posts is a link back to so yeah.... nxt post will be longer..
For now.. let those whose A levels are over like mine.. enjoy.. those whom still have a few papers to go.. work hard.. and soon you will enjoy too.
Monday, 19 November 2007
Never again.
Never again, will i have to pack on the bus like sardines, only to hear irritated sounds made by my fellow sardines.
Never again, will i have to play FM, only to feel guilty and shut it off.
Never again, need i travel to the library, only to get reprimanded by the librarians who just feel that i am destroying the library.
Never again, will i need to wake up in a flurry of notes all around me, to know where everything is but not know where anything is.
Never again, need i hear the morning news abroad my Toyota Altis, to hear the presenters view west ham as nothing and unimportant.
Never again, will i start to dream, only for nightmares of exams to overwhelm them.
Never again, will i stop to rest, only to hear the whip of guilt crack at me, pushing me to study harder.
Never again, will i enter my fantasies, only to get jolted out by the thunderclap of the mugging enforcers.
Never again, will i need to rush home at night, only to see no dinner on the table.
Never again, after tomorrow....
till tomorrow. and post 200.
Sunday, 18 November 2007
Filler 1
For better news. Italy won Scotland somewhat fortuitously.. yeah. but so now Italy are through to the Euro..
anyway. yeah as you may have well guessed.. this post is just a filler so that post 200 will hit the end of A levels..
so.. till nxt time
Thursday, 15 November 2007
Over the hill
And with the passing of econs, my A levels are soon to be over. and as i heave a sigh of relieve.. suddenly some kind of emptiness surges up inside me.. what next? it seemed to ask.. what directly after A's? what during NS? where after NS? but those i guess.. are questions i will tackle after 80 more mcqs from physics n chem.. And now as the day of freedom approaches... dunno.. where was the enthusiasm i felt for this freedom barely months ago?
Anyway.. after econs ytd went eat with the class.. yeah. quite shiok.. long time since a class gathering like that.. it was fun.. and dear old morpheus... how happy am i to lay my hands around you again... haha.. like a knight freed from a dungeon.. i regained.. my sword... haha.
nth much else...
2 hrs more to go...
Sunday, 11 November 2007
Sick again
But that doesnt stop me.. If West Ham could put 5 pass Derby with 11 players out, or the entire first team out, so can i find that last bit of power needed to see me through A levels.. yeah..
So.. Econs.. You are going down..
In 5 days... just 5 more days... haha..
Nth much more.. till nxt time.
Wednesday, 7 November 2007

lolz. just a few screenshots from my most recent FM games.. yeah. currently in my 3rd season and is experiencing the usual 3rd season slump.. but still doing fine though.. not unbeatable.. but good.
Witness one of those things that just kinda make my day at the library just now... some china woman argued with a singaporean man.. haha. it was damn funny and it attracted my attention.. haha. seriously, the 'rules and regulations' are obviously for reference only and should not be taken seriously.. or that seriously.. i mean if someone's bag is already on a chair, obviously the seat is theirs, i mean is it that difficult to seat at the couch for a while, chill out and wait for a seat? i mean you are not mugging for A levels man!. Stupid china woman. haha. shout so loudly summore.. haha.
Back to my room.. and perhaps the books.
Wk 2 roundup.
Went out yesterday with zhou, reub, ran, jon, and hoe. Joined by Yan Hong and Wanlin on the way. and ate at billy bombers.. haha. den after that chill around talk rubbish n play psp.. haha. in which zhou was greatly amused by me teaching him how to use the tank cheat..
sian.. nth much else. back to mugging.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
The race for the one day throne.
Time: 9.50
The motley crew of knights, mages, mercenaries, peddlers, traders, beggars, minstrels, nobles have been slowly gathering for more than half an hour now, and the crowd is getting noisier at the moments, with caravans and carriages still approaching every minute bringing with them princes and princesses of faraway lands to the encampment.
'Why are we here', A lone knight asked amidst the buzzing crowd.
'Haven you heard, at exactly 3 minutes to 10 everyday, the magical doorway over there opens, promising rewards beyond ones imagination if one could find it.' A passing hunchback shouted.
'And also, haven you heard of the thrones of the fhird storey? Legend says that he who sits on one of the 20 thrones at the range of thrones would share rule over the land for the day.' A songstress added in a singsong voice, plucking her harp.
All around the valley, The knights sharpening their swords, traders peddling their wares, everyone seemed busy, but from time to time, you could see everyone stealing a glance at the doorway and at others on the valley, fearing that a moments loss may put them behind the others in the rush for the treasure.
And as time slowly ticked away, everyone got more and more restless. The most restless of them already pacing forward and backwards around the door, while others were looking in from a distance, like a hunter stalking his prey, near but not in direct view at the door. Even the calmest nobles could be seen asking their servants to check at the door from time to time.
And as seconds ticked further away, and the silent servants of the mystery ruler of the realm of the garden is seen, everyone stopped their preparations and gathered round the gate. Awaiting the moment of breakthrough. everyone was nervous as tensions rose. In the first row, Knights and Nobles stood gallantly, with the occasional centaur in their midst, having a certain clairvoyant face as though he already knew he would win the treasure. Slightly behind, mages and wizards stood, stern faced, as though deep in concentration, preparing their first spells to claim their first kills in their hunt. Just behind them stood the traders, peddlers, artists and performers, still asking around for one last deal before they enter the mystic lands. And at the furthest back stood the theives, rogues and beggars, stabbing each other and pushing in a bid to get further forward.
And the glass doors slid open. And if there was any clue of chilvary and gallantry before, there was none now. Soldiers and Knights alike charge for the treasure, every man for himself. It was not a pretty scene. Those who slipped on the climb was left behind, trampled over by the chasing pack. The leaders too were not having a good time, with the pack behind pushing for greater and greater altitudes. And in minutes, the chase was over. The quick footed and the agile have got the thrones, and the rest have to rest with a seat at their feets. Abdication and conquering of the thrones does take place, but rarely and often after many an hour. Wars are also fought between these new kings and queens ranging from small scale military operations, to full scale battles. But for now, the dust is settled and the lands distributed, and the world is peaceful. For now.
And that is the exact situation in front of the library everyday. Ok. i have exaggerated a little. But yeah. you get the picture.
especially today. today was bad. haha. all seats were taken before the second wave.. luckily i am chiongster king..haha..
nth much else.. have chem to mug for.. haha.
So 8 more exam days to go but 3 wks left to the end of a levels. cant wait. breaking free...
Thks for the afternoon
sian.. back to the books..
till nxt time..
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Goodbye GP
From now on. I will not write any more commentary on view points. Nor will i be ask to do any more 'application' questions or summaries.. Instead, if i even wield my pen again, it will be to craft stories, write fantasies, no more GP. haha.
but still there is the A levels. and if on the unfortunate event that i have to retake... well.. I do not dare think bout it..
Nth much else. Till nxt time.
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Day 1.
Onward, Wong's armada!!
go read stuff now.. GP tomorrow.
Monday, 29 October 2007
The Start of the End
In a football match, this is the 88th minute.
In a race, they call it the final sprint.
In world war II, they called it the battle of Stalingrad.
In my life, I call it the A levels.
For this is truly the beginning of the end.
One of those milestones in life where one must face.
Want, I do, to say that these are the times I live for,
The duels for a knight.
Though a prince and a king I hope to be,
But given a choice,
I do not want to fight this war.
Not scared, just have this feeling inside me,
Saying if i screw up now, I am done for for life.
And somehow i fear it will be prophetic.
Yes, some call it nervous.
Maybe I am.
The months of mugging.
Days of Emoing
Hours of typing this.
Minutes of getting those thought sorted out in my head.
All this will hopefully pay off.
Did the Physics specimen paper today. The last paper 3 i was able to lay my hands on. Ok. There still are a few on blackboard. but i did printed some. And all the papers i was able to get not bad marks. Normally due to many good questions and one bad questions. But wad if the paper tomorrow will be the mixture of all these bad questions? i dare not think. Worrier i may be, Worrier i am. I could not live and let live. Its just one kind of a pre-exam, waddyacallit?, ritual for me. Must emo.
Hopefully. I could do it.
On a brighter note. To everyone, yeah, those ppl mentioned in the farewell post, to all taking the a levels. Good Luck. Godspeed. And may the best be the best.
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Final Sprint.
Dunno.. damn scared.. but somehow everytime i reach home i couldn't stop FMing.. at least i study out.. if not i am screwed..
nth much else.. now going to bathe under the waterfall and meditate.. hopefully it will bring me through.. haha.
till nxt time.
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
solving mysteries
Mystery no. 1. what the hell the lift is saying. to me its sounds like its saying '4th storey' for both 1st and 3rd storey. but Jiaying begs to differ and thinks that it is saying its correct level. well. if i have the time and heart to do so.. i will go to the library. stand outside the lift. and survey everyone who comes out of it.
Mystery no.2. The mystery of the unemployed guy. Well, this is the story. everyday at the library, there is this one guy, 20 30 years of age. who does absolutely nothing at all but irritate others and loaf around. one thing i really wanna noe is if he really is unemployed.
Mystery no. 3. The mystery of the she-male. yeah. tt's the one at the Siglap Macs. haha. last time ask the class also have varied response.. haha. so one day.. yeah.
anyway.. was reading this just now at the library.. haha.. somehow things like this sort of interests me.. haha.

nth much else.. till nxt time.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
1. trespass this place
every time i walk pass this place, its antique architecture and mystique dazzles me and one day i will go in.. i dun have a picture with me now but seriously.. no one could walk pass it and not want to know what it is. yeah. And one day i went in through the main gate and asked the person there, 'what is this place' to which she replied 'still road' and i said,' no, what is this buidling?' to which she said 'i dunno, i am just working here' at when i am quite certain i saw her press a button in her pocket.. probably signalling the secrets inside to arm and ready themselves for an unwelcomed visitor. well. one day. i am gonna find out for myself wad is it.
haha. though the map have given quite a giveaway.. but who noes what adventure awaits..
Monday, 22 October 2007
12 papers and
29 days to the end of
12 yrs of education spanning
6 schools
50 days till i am
18 and
52 days till enlistment.
Somewhat ready for the A's for chem, physics n maths.. somewhat able to solve most of the questions i attempted. Somewhat slack. and Somewhat comforting myself here. With the release of FM like 3 days ago.. have been playing alot. not to mention MHF2 also. haha.
Dunno. damn no mood for econs and GP. and i think actually the skool's study break had an reverse effect esp on GP. cos i suddenly feel super rusty again. dunno. everytime emo bout GP. what if there is no sports question again? what if the compre is too hard for me? what if i will fail it? what if---? i dunno. everytime think of GP i emo. cos the best essay i ever wrote for a non-sports qn was like 20/50. which is definitely not good enough. I fear.
this sux..
till nxt time...
and soon.. everything will be over.. and for 1 month at least.. i will have endless hours of freedom.
Friday, 19 October 2007
countdown 10
ready? i seriously dunno. there are doubts everywhere in the questions i am doing now.. but i dunno.. guess i am somewhat ready?
nth much else.
till nxt time.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence of the Principality of Marinebithia.
In the name of Wong, chosen High Prince of the Principality of Marinebithia, by election, by conquest, by self-declaration, I declare the following territories independent from state: the Holy room of the prince to the study room with the computer and along with the potted plants outside and the fish tank in the living room and my permanent seat at the dining table and the living room, along with the entire population of the principality including but not limited to our high prince Diego Wong, Prince of Marinebithia, Marquis De Carabas, Emperor of the fish tank, Monarch of the cactuses, King of the couch, the 9 goldfishes under his rule, 10000 ants living under the earth in the flower pots and 5 billion single celled organisms constantly multiplying and declare themselves free from foreign rule.
We, therefore as representatives of the People of Marinebithia, in general congress, assembled, appealing to the supreme judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do in the name, and by authority of the good organisms of Wong, and in the name of our Marquis, our Prince, solemnly publish and declare, that the Most Invincible Monarchy of Wong one and of right ought to be, free and independent. that is now absolved from all allegiance to the outside society, and that all political connections between them and The Others, is and ought to be totally dissolved and that as free and independent, we have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent Kingdom may of right do.
And for the support of this declaration with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honour.
We extend the hand of peace and good neighbourliness to all the states around us and to their peoples.
On the first day of the rule of Prince Wong I otherwise known as the 17th of october 2007
more to come as i draft out my constitution and emblems and national anthem and speeches...
[Disclaimer] the above declaration of independence is strictly ficticious and unreal. All real governments pls do not attack us. we are but a small country. thanks.
lolz.. till nxt time
Saturday, 13 October 2007
The need for an army
Pros (not that there are any like i said in one of my earlier posts, but what i would say as relative pros):
- The earlier you enter, the earlier you exit.
not totally true as i have already an extra one month from my failing of my natpha.. but come 2010, i would still be out by Jan after 762 days of serving the nation. dunno bout anyone. but 'serving the nation' has slavery connotations to me. - I would not have to endure with days and hours of having nothing to do. In fact, i would have so much to do. But wait. Isn't the former what i prefer?
- Who don't love the army?
er.... me? and dont even get me started on the uselessness of a defense force in Singapore. yet.
- Well. given a choice i would rather go in later than 2 days after my 18th birthday. What a wonderful birthday present the Singapore government had kindly given me.
- I wont even live to see my A level results.
The costs are just too high. not monetary costs. but opportunity costs for everyone. 2 years is not a short period of time. Bill gates forsaken his college education to save his 2 years. and for everyone 2 years is a long time. A levels is a 2 years course and anyone saying that this 2 years are as much a waste of time as army could bloody go sign on the army forever. 2 years are nothing to some, but even with a high life expectancy of 78 for males in singapore ( i myself do not think i would live till that cos of my sickly body), 2 years are 2.56% of one's lifetime and if everyone is making such a big fuss over a 2% rise in GST. is 2.56% of ones life less costly? or is life worth less than money to everyone?
Sure. one may argue that the army let you gain insights on other parts of life and do your part for the country. But is not studying and graduating early so that you could contribute to GDP doing your part for the country? And given a choice, i would hardly wait to continue my education and continue to work hard towards my dream of owning a private island somewhere in fiji, micronesia, mauritus or some country with many inhabited islands. Yes, it cannot be denied that going into the army nurtures skills such as determination and diligience etc. but does it also not rub off one's creativity and individuality and makes everyone stick to conformity? And is the 'course fees' of 2 years of our life too high? And again one can argue that isn't conformity what singapore needs? a common identity that the government wants? and the same old arguement that 'Singapore is a small country and we can't have radical people left and right attacking the government'. The same reasons public gatherings of more than 5 people needs a permit and the same reason Dr Chee gets into trouble again and again. Not that i agree of his actions. But do we really want 4 million citizens of unswaying obedience to the government? What if the government fails one day. I mean the government now is strong, good ,and in fact very good, and i am very thankful to have the government we have now but what if one day someone bad gets into power?
Also, one may say that NS is our way of giving to society and as John Kennedy said 'ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.". but shouldn't we have a choice on thinking what we could do for our country. I am not a genius in any way and nor am i rare talent by any means. but shouldn't people such as the pianist whom was so much critised last time for evading NS be free from NS for their contributions to the country? And shouldn't all be free to choose how to serve the country? some who feel that joining the army and the best they could do is to defend the country could join the army. those who think that they could win medals for their countries will do sports. and those, like me, who feel that their best contribution perhaps would come from economic means, should pursue that degree and work and contribute to GDP. And as an addition to the conformity due to the military lifestyle point above, Didn't Kennedy also said that "Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.", so is conscription really best for us?
Nevertheless, I am not altogether against my enlistment or as some may have thought by reading the above paragraphs. I am just stating my case and my beliefs. Many would not agree with my view but yeah who cares. The truth is. I am proud of Singapore but i would not be ready to lay down my life for her. I salute those who will. but to me, I am just not ready to die. Call me a coward. Call me a wimp. But at the end of the day, i believe each man for himself and i seriously want to have a wholesome life that does not end before i hit 20.
But the way i see it. My enlistment and conscription is already a hard fact built into my garden of destiny and for now. there is only one path ahead. And thus. I shall go in with an open mind. and well, do the best that i can of it, and perhaps like choir last time, it won't be as bad as i think it would be. Or as my mother puts it 既来之,则安之.
till nxt time
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Enlistment notice
Enlistment date: 13/12.
Is this a sick joke by the government? pulling ppl in less than 48 hrs after they turn 18. yeah. just recieved news that the date listed above. now i have no mood to do anything. sian.
tomorrow gonna take it out on LAN. but now. let me chill and cool down and mayb later when i can i will write something when i cool down.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
How i hope for all this to end. and soon. it will.
till nxt time.
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Open Letter to my PSP
Dear Morpheus,
I'm sorry, my beloved PSP. I have decided that we should go on separate ways for now. Do not be angry or mistaken, I still love you as much as when i first saw that black shiny face of yours. But Its time i part for you for the moment. For there is this mountain i must scale, this wywern i must slay. And i could not do it with you at my side, constantly taking my attention of the prize, with you ever so attractive and nice to the touch. And thus, I'm sorry but we must part. But fear not, for i have found you a great caretaker, whom i believe would guard you with her life and protect you from any harm. And my mission would take just 40 days and 40 nights. And after that, i would welcome you back into my fingers and then we would get aquainted with my family as well as other PSPs, new or old but none as good as you. And then, we will show the world, how good a team we are. Morpheus, i will miss you, even now as i write this i am feeling withdrawal symtoms from you. But 40 days, we shall endure it together, won't we, Morpheus? I know you will miss me too but for the future of me and mankind (though it is not directly related, or maybe it is, depending on the angle you look at it), This is goodbye for now. And so we bade farewell. And i'll see you in 40 days.
Goodbye, Morpheus.
-Your Master,
Marquis Diego
yeah. written in tears, my open letter to my psp, though i doubt it would ever gain enough intellect to understand it. but yeah. A's are 20 days away and its really full speed ahead for now.
So goodbye morpheus. and yeah. most other temptations too.
and till nxt time i guess..
Monday, 8 October 2007
But now. The Giant Khezu awaits my slaying.
Friday, 5 October 2007
And now. As prelims end and my- what was it?- 12 yrs?- of school ends with today’s farewell assembly. Its time to Emo. And I guess this will be a long long post. Yeah. Like all posts of emoing, I shall limit my use of ‘lolz’ and ‘haha’. Lolz. Yeah. Schooling have been fun. Primary. Secondary, then JC, shaping the me that is me now. Yeah. In these 12 yrs, I guess I have never really wanted to miss school (save a few real stupid useless days like some stupid celebrations kind of thing).. and yeah.. its been great.
Yeah. So lets start. Primary school. My first school was one at Klang, near to the damn tok kong bak kut teh which I still eat many a time when I go back to
Primary 2, they say it’s the yr the demon grows in me, making me turn ‘ bad’ as my mother puts it. Yeah. But I remember it as the start of perhaps my fear of change. Cos yeah. I changed primary skool after pri 1. and lost all my friends of cos. Yeah. And it’s the yr I began to perfect my lying skills. Haha. Cos the teachers are calling my parents almost weekly bout my skool work. And I was punished many a time by my parents, but I guess instead of its intended effect, the punishments simply made me try to craft a better lie the next time.. yeah. Even till now. But yeah. My art is still not perfected I guess. Haha. this is a bad habit i just gotta change. yeah.
I remember the end of primary 3 more than the start. Cos it was another time where I have to leave my friendships behind, yeah, this time to come to
And thus I reached
And primary 5 came. And new friends I finally made, in Mcron, Leslie, Edmund and Nigel, and 2 others I forgot, one of which is called jordan but we didn't call him with that name. but yeah. We 5 was sort of the core member. And I remember the times of the Mew2, mew and mew3 gyms, where we wrestled till the bus came. Haha. And in me, the skool had the smartest as well as one of the most undisciplined student, the reason I was never chosen for prefects or monitor or anything. Haha. Bar one short span as monitor, and served well and responsibly I did.. but afterall, I was just a temporary one. Haha. But I did represent the skool for plenty of competitions then. Like everything also send me. Which helped boost my ego and make me, well, me. Haha.
And thus the concluding chapter of my primary skool life came, primary 6 was perhaps the best of the primary skool yrs. More wrestling, and yeah. Much more. Remembered for twisting my ankle on the day of the higher Chinese exams of psle for wrestling. Haha. Yeah. Never forgetting those days man. Yeah. And to Mcron and Leslie, if you ever come across this, yeah. I have heard sad things bout u guys, and can only hope u guys seriously change, and remember things u said last time. Edmund n Nigel, guess u are doing well, yeah. All the best dudes. Haha. And to all other primary skool mates, yeah, all the best too. Haha. And I shall remember many of you. And at least your names. Nabil, the short guy. Shafie, my first friend in coral. Khairul, the malay who watched Chinese dramas, Adam, the head prefect who I used to disturb. and a few others whom I can recall by incidents, eg. The guy who used to raise the paper lightbulb above his head before answering qns, whose trick I copied a few times to rousing laughter. El something, the guy who drew future digimon with my future pokemon at the back of the class, who probably helped me start my road to liking comics. Yeah. I remember. The name was Al-Zufri.. haha.
And at the end of those 6 yrs I got posted to AHS, the academy of heroic students. Haha. And who could forget my first yr there. Haha. And perhaps the most important thing that happened that yr happened 3 days into the yr. yeah. Choir. Haha. I still remembered the day I and reub camped outside the old music room at the tree. Our conversation I remember are as follows.
‘choir 2nd auditions?’
‘yah. You also?’
‘You want to go in?’
‘dunno leh. You?’
….. and just then, a older girl from inside came out and asked, “here for 2nd auditions?”
We looked at each other and nodded, stupidly at that time, but now we thought back, I guess there has been a higher power who really did noe what was best for us then, and yeah. We went in. and yeah. Need I say we are in choir now?. Haha. And my class then had 5 choir guys, I, reub, noch, zhou and ivan. Yeah. Ivan left for hong kong a yr after, but who could forget his “我生气了!” and charging forward duing soccer. Haha. And his constand singing of pasigin, which has etched the song into our memories, haha. Or at least parts of the song. Haha. And so many thing I remember of this yr, perhaps cos I am older and remember abit more. Haha. I remember those txt based online games we used to play, archmage, parallel universe etc. haha. Yeah. And another thing was that I had a shock. A big one. Haha. My results at coral was fantastic to say the least, haha. And I came to AHS all proud of myself. Haha. But yeah. I was wrong. Haha. Crashed I did during my first yr. haha. 246 out of 360 students. Yeah. And 3/100 for art. Haha. But of cos I worked hard and pushed forward. Yeah. And am now where I am. And another important place in sec 1 was the counseling center. Haha. The daily Risk™ matches as well as beyblade battles we use to hold at the top most sanctuary of that building and of course, the event that made us neva pon choir again in our entire choir life unnecessarily- the Ms Ow fiasco. Haha. I, reub, zhou and Ivan cleverly ponned choir one fine day to go to CC to play risk™ and beyblade. We were having great fun man.. enjoying the games as well as the thrill and achievement of ponning. Then at about 3 something 4. Ms Ow came. I zhou and reub was stunned. The beyblades dropped from our hands and stopped turning. Ivan attempted hiding under the sofa. But we were caught. And had to write some apology letter later for the ‘emotional hurt’ we have caused to Ms Ow. Haha. And we only have one person to blame for this, don’t we, Enoch?” haha. Jkjk. A sidenote was that choir had its only concert since our joining in that yr, and I went to the concert still not knowing how to sing 2 songs. Haha.
Sec2. haha. And the advent of magic into my life. Haha. Yeah. Magic. As in magic the card game. Haha. And soccer. Haha. It was the yr I started to get really interested in soccer.. I mean I watch some matches here and there at events like world cup before. But it was then, that I started loving football. Haha. After skool everyday go kick at street soccer court and outside skool. Haha. Damn fun. But Magic is still the most important thing that happened.. haha. Damn fun.. and sort of developed the artistic side of me with the art on the cards. Haha. And yeah. On the choir front, haha, it’s the yr tt we guys really got to know each other, and got to know ppl like ran, Daniel, colin and manhope. Yeah. And form the greatest brotherhood yet. Haha. And it was the yr we got the silver for SYF. And yeah. We were looking at the seniors crying, and we are like, is it that sad?. Haha. But we got it back, in style. Haha. Afterwhich I think we joined several things like went to genting, and I think the syf opening ceremony in which we sang the umafamiliar song.. haha. And it was the real beginning of the Kok Wars. Haha. Yeah. The class against kok. Haha. But now to think of it. We are perhaps quite bad haha. But who cares. It was fun.
And in sec 3 i was moved to 3H, where the only person I knew was Leonard and to a lesser extent,
Sec 4 soon came, and things remained the same. Haha. Still running down for food, doing rubbish. Haha. And I adopted
And of course JC followed. And with my marks I was posted to VJC. I guess the most memorable thing of the yr have been covered like more than once by me in earlier posts so I shall not elaborate bout it. I shall instead, concentrate on other stuff. Yeah. JC life was, after intense reflection, somewhat of a waste for me.. firstly. My t3a hardly fills one page and so is my cca record which is very short to say the least. Yeah. That sux. And if I had one chance to relive my JC life I would have joined a cca like say.. choir or something and do my best in it. Or at least do more stuff.. yeah. Its sad to see when everyone’s got great achievements in all areas and all I have to show is my somewhat above average grades where most if not all would be able to get in the a levels. Yeah. So. One big regret for my life here. But back to JC1. One important thing that happened is I guess PW, in which I had high hopes for after my swearing to defeat my archenemy who wanted my exclusion in the team at first. But yeah. I guess though I did not achieve the grade I aimed for.. I guess I won the battle in another way. Another thing worth remember was that in J1, the western food sells fries and fried stuff everyday, and so I and Jiesheng and Junyu of last time 1st 3 mths everyday whacked. Or almost everyday anyway. And yeah. It was heavenly. Coming from a food forsaken place called AHS whose western food, to put it in a word, Sucked.
And along came JC2. of which’s most important moment I am currently preparing for. The As. And so it shall be ignored yet again. Besides that, I guess the most important thing ,or should I say the As are the most important thing besides this, is the forming of a new friendship, the ultimate conversion from deadly foes to great friends. Yeah. Thank you. Jia Ying. Yeah.
Anyway. That much on top was typed pretty much some weeks ago as I planned for this post. Back to today. Yeah. Today morn went for farewell assembly and for the last time perhaps of my life would talk to some people whom I may never meet again or for some meet rarely. Yeah. The world is small. But big enough to separate everyone. Yeah. Afterwhich had a class lunch at fish n co. which was satisfying. And after which I, jiaying, jimmy, rong n ming went play lan @
Well nth much else. Yeah. To everyone i know well/ am best friends with/ sort of know/ knew before coming to/ know only by face/ know only by name/ know only by association/ said ‘hi’ to before/ waved at before/ raised my eyebrow to before/ don’t know at all/ will get to know soon/ will never get to know/ not applicable*, yeah. Thank you for being part of my life, or soon to be part of my life, or not being part of my life at all. And I guess.. my gift is my song.. and yeah. This song’s for you. How wonderful life is.. now you’re in the world. Yeah.
*delete accordingly
So. Goodbye for now.
Till nxt time.
[update 6/10 11:50am] more names. as ASM rightly said. yeah. Jordan was Kun Feng. and It was Al-Jufri. haha. but both sounded the same anyway. haha.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
preliminary roundup
A quick roundup.
Maths- A. consistency is the key and i guess this is one of my proudest subject.
Chem- C. considering the toughness of the paper and the relative marks wrt to PK and sundar and a few others. i would say i performed well.
Physics- A. good. as kwek says. but not unexpected as can be seen by the numbers of Aces in class and in school
Econs.- C. Lovely. the 24/30 and 17/25 in one of the case studies and essay is the icing on the cake as it show that i can write A standard answers given the right qn. press on.
GP- D. best ever grade for it but like i said in my last post. A D just aint good enough.
Dl-ing FM08 demo right now. cant wait for it to be ready sia. its the time of the yr again. and i remember the joy i got last yr as i clicked on FM07.exe and installed the demo. and a magical land sprung out. What joy. What excitement. What exhilaration. and i hope 08 is gonna give me the same thing over again.
that's all. and i guess must blog on a lower frequency cos i wan my 200th post on this blog to coincide with the end of A levels.
Monday, 1 October 2007
upping the tempo
This cant do man. everyone's upping the tempo and raising the bar. Its time for the final sprint and like everytime during my 2.4. my heart and lungs are giving up. but this time.. i'm gonna make it man. its make or break time.. 2 years.. and it all depends on these final 2 mths of hard work to make it count. yeah. and its time for the churchill speech again.. "It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival."
yeah. have to supercharge soon.. been drifting and near-missing enough to fill the bar.. and its time to burnout.. burnout dominator.. yeah.
till nxt time.
Friday, 28 September 2007
haiz. As in a month.
and i found the solution to the defender's dilemma. You wait. and apply pressure, but do not commit.. for soon enough.. the touchline will come. and the ball will be yours from a goalkick.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Of knights and swords
today's a good day. got back physics and Ace.. though it is kinda eroded by the number of aces in the class (17). which is imba. haha. but yeah. i am good. haha. and after slacking today.. tomorrow must restart liao. There are some battles in life you can't afford to lose, and i guess this is one of them. and hairspray is seriously good. haha. should have believed munhoe at first. haha.
and with the unveiling of ran's new PSP slim.. i am at a crossroads once again, like every knight and warrior, i am faced with the choice of switching my weapon even though it has served me well. Like a old sword passed down generations, the handle is worn and the blade is blunt and rusted, but on it is the blood of a thousand foes, who would forget the 1000 car's it has taken down in burnout, or the hundreds of perfect serves on virtual tennis 3, or the millions of krauts and fascists taken down in Call of Duty 3, or even the number of Popo's, Anteka's and Viadrome's slayed in monster hunter freedom 2. It has served me well, but for the reason King Arthur seeked the Excalibur and Liu Bei seeked Zhuge Liang, i am now faced with the prospect of a better sword. A blade so slim, sharp and fast as can be. One that would bring me to another new level of gaming. But i would never forget my old PSP, of which i lovingly named Morpheus, due to its black appearance and its fulfilment of my dreams. Which i never introduced to my family due to reasons. but a great love morpheus has been, with skin so enticingly black and direction keys that squeak ever so affectionately to my every touch of the buttons, i am sorry to let you go. But u know, morpheus, knowing me knowing you, its the best i can do. I know you would understand that for a warrior like me, i need a better sword. Like a club promoted from the championship to premiership, i am forced to abandon promotion heroes, like you. And i wish you all the best with your next owner, and i am sure you, as you have served me well, will serve him well too. With Love and Sadness, Your owner, Sir Wong.
And so. the PSP fund is officially open again, and like always you can find it at the same place at the column to your right. and any donations are kindly accepted with lots of thanks. Selling whole set too. so if anyone interested. just click on the send mail link under my profile.
till nxt time..
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
morning football
playing FM now. haha. everton. quite fun. plenty of ups and downs. haha.
West ham lost last saturday. which makes it a bad week ahead. hopefully they would win the league cup tie tomorrow, which would i guess turn the week around.
tired.. but unwilling to sleep.. haha. cos as the song from hairspray said, why sleep at home when you can snooze in school.. haha. yeah. its the last day of this short break.. and i am gonna make the best out of it.. haha. play.
oh ya. on a side note. Happy mooncake festival, lantern festival,中秋节, 月饼节 or whatever you call this festival. haha.
till nxt time
Monday, 24 September 2007
The striker's choice
The philosophy of football, applied to life.. been comparing everything to football lately..and sometimes, life's just the same both on and off the pitch. aint it?
haha.back to real life. went watch hairspray wif jimmy n jiaying today. haha. nice show. really. a really good musical. have to get the soundtrack soon. haha.
nth much else today.. today and tomorrow is slack days. haha. not gonna study until i get back my results. yeah. so tomorrow.. is a good day.. haha.
hope so.
Sunday, 23 September 2007
The defender's dilemma
Went temple morning today. left in the afternoon..
nth much else.
till nxt time
Wkend roundup
Fri night went out with reub, ran, hoe, lai, noch, colin and ate.. and watched underdog cos the rest of the show timing doesn't suit us and hoe dun feel like watching rogue assassin.. haha. which ain't bad actually cos underdog turned out funny.. not really worth my 9.50 though. but underdog was funny. no less..
Yesterday morn went football @ AHS with ran... but too long never play.. den i dun really noe how to play already.. haha. after which enjoyed a good lunch and zhou came over and we FM-ed the whole afternoon away... pissed off by Alessandro Pistone, Celestine Babayaro and Tim Howard. and dun get ur hopes up early, wong.
Then the night was well spent at ran's.. where we watched the arsenal derby match.. which by the time i had to leave is already 5-0. haha. and i managed to guess the first 2 scorers exactly.. and if adebayor had not won that penalty.. first 3 scorers. haha. but good win for Le arse nonetheless. haha. tonight pits West ham against Newcastle with West ham fielding the midfield of newcastle 3 years ago when at least they were fighting for a place in europe. Bowyer- Parker- solano. Com'on you hammers.. though i have a bad feeling bout tonight.
Yeah. nth much else.
till nxt time
Friday, 21 September 2007
Battle for middle earth
but the second game with ran was the good one.. where we humilated 2 brutal coms to boot. and purchased everything purchasable and fully upgraded one of my fortresses ( i had 3 at the end) with catapults and everything. Now.. look at that.. if that ain't a beauty, i don't know what is. go on. click on it. zoom in look at its details.. the lava moats and the fire spires and the mordor mystic with 7 catapults pointing in 7 direction and the only one left guarded by a dragon. nice.

going out later.. so cutting it short now.
Thursday, 20 September 2007
Of firsts, lasts and everything in between.
Also visited Vilage there for the first time but did not eat. cos my budget is the student equivalent of zamibia's or the Central African Republic's, and with the rising gst and inflation everywhere to ride the gst raise wave, my real budget has once again decreased... on another note.... and though this may sound suprising.. played time crisis for the first time. and visited arcade for the first time in god knows how long.. and yeah.. also watched I now pronouce you chuck and larry which is imo a good funny show... gay-ishly funny.. haha. you know... movies are like a circle.. haha.. not a triangle.. lol. damn gay n funny.
After which walked around PS with jimmy n jiaying. where i picked up that magic prerelease is coming again.. what memories.. haha. and went this shop which sells only door handles.. every single kind of it on earth.. oh ya. they also have a few shower heads.. but the most important thing is the door handles which kinda inspired me to think in the shower just now about my new house. yeah. i was thinking bout my room.. i guess it would be large but not huge. just enough for my bed, king sized, a walk-in wardrobe. a sort of mini lounge. and of course the bathroom but not too much space so that it is difficult for me to walk from one end to the other. Then the door will be made of solid wood. 3 full inches thick teak or mahogany or some other solid wood with a supremely nice finish, with handles of swarovski crystals like some i saw just now. then enter and i see the bed to the wall on my left. and directly ahead is my full length windows stretching across the entire room covered with curtains of the finest silk and craftsmanship. to my right is my lounge. carpeted with some tibetian carpet. with sofa's, 2 1 seater sofas of the best leather. and sort of a mini bar and fridge there where food, wine and everything will be stored. and of course a TV. 42". Plasma. Coupled with great sound systems and stuff. but no PS3 or consoles, those are for the entertainment room. And in the other corner on the right, the mirror and table as well as a bookshelf. not any bookshelf. but one with a secret entrance where i would pull down some book and go into my secret hideout kinda thing. darn cool. and of course.. somewhere between the middle of the lounge and the bookcase will be my toilet. with golden plated taps with carvings of angels and cherubs. and a jacuzzi. huge. with two dragon heads carved of stone spouting water in the corners. and a shower at the other end of the bathroom next to my throne when i guess there is need for a quick bath. with the showerhead which is darn big or the one wei ming said is damn nice. lolz. back to the room. On a corner in the left will be my walk-in wardrobe of which there is no need for much explanation. and the room will be painted.. say gold.. not the very deep and solid shade. but a gentler one of which reflects royalty and luxury. and the ceiling will have those damn cool carvings and a damn cool fan.. and 4 of those built into ceiling aircons to cool down my whole room. And when i draw the curtains, golden sunlight will filter in in sunny days, reflecting of the golden walls and creating a great ambience fit for royalty. and of course draw them when there is rain, unless i am down and need to feel the world crying with me. More of the view and the things beyond the room. yeah. i will have a balcony. big enough for a garden table and wooden chairs. and the whole balcony will be wooden. and beyond the balcony it would be a great expanse of grass, not too great, so that i could see a sandy beach and sea in the distance, Lined with great huge trees, of the flame of the forest variety, huge trees with towering and wide branches which provide shade. and at the sea in the distance, a small jetty and a corner, with one small boat- my boat, bobbing up and down the lake. yeah. i figured a lake is better than a sea. but the grass and the sea is for another story. So back to the room, and every morning, when my alarm rings, the curtains will draw, sending the sunlight in.. guess i saw that in some commercial or movie but it is damn cool. and yeah. Oh yeah, lights, there will be a chandelier, swarovski again in the middle of the room, with small lights in the other corners. but those are not the main attraction anyway. And i guess thats all for the imagined room.. where one day.. i hope to have it.. if not.. let me have it in heaven or something.
Wooh. that's one long description.
Just played BFME with zhou. lost to him 1v1. need to brush up my troops management. after which played 2v2 with com cos neither of us have enough energy left in us for yet another epic battle of wits and fingers of 1v1. but the game came to no conclusion and i could but be reminded of this poem i recorded from some green lantern comics,
"It began as a distant thunder rolling across the heavens with a storm warning's clamor.
It swells to envelop the firmament in a grand exclaimation.
It climaxes with the stentorian bark of an angry god.
It the retreats in the same subtle fashion with which it arrived, leaving in its wake-
The brightest day."
haha. yeah.
oh yeah. if i ever get rich enough to own that room..
this car is mine.

nth much else.
till nxt time.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
anyway.. a minor miracle... an empty library

Just exited from middle earth.. cos my parents not at home and like everyone.. days or even hours, minutes or seconds without parents are ultimate bliss. Although it was a tragedy in my family that brought about this few hours of freedom. Well. My uncle passed away. and yeah. again. i barely knew him. Its still sad though. cancer's the cause again. Well. i guess he is still a great man.. having fought the battle and though finally lost.. lived a life as long as any other-- A lifetime. and to that. i tilt my hat to you..
But here comes the conflict. when one dies, do one wish others to mourn him for endless time. or to carry on with life and walk on through the garden of destiny? and when it is too early to stop mourning and when is it too late? What if the person stated before death that he wished for everyone to continue living without any change? dunno. guess those qns are not for me to answer.
nth much else.. cant wait for tomorrow and the days beyond.
till nxt time
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
today's physics was ok i guess.. but i kinda have no more mood to study anything anymore.. went into physics readily unprepared.. which means i am ready to take it cos i have no mood to prepare it any further after studying for its paper 3 aegis ago.
so.. 2 more to go...
and after that... fun awaits.. oh wait... there's still the a levels...
till nxt time..
for now..
Sunday, 16 September 2007
but despite slacking.. or as i put it.. i did more potential growth rather than actual growth and reaped significant EOS.. damn proud of myself.. should get some kind of medal for it.. for the first and most probably the last time in my entire life as a uniformed student. i packed my files.. wait.. did i just packed my files?.. haha. i actually did it. lol. something i once thought impossible have been accomplished.. haha. though much of the tutorials and stuff are missing.. but at least it is a full set.. haha.. cept for econs.. er.. dun tok bout it So you can see it here.. all packed into files.. Maths.. Chem.. Physics.. and yes.. i do know what is missing... dun mention it.

and yeah.. nice skies. .haha. esp this one gives teh illusion that there are mountains with ice caps in singapore.. haha. which is darn cool imho. and the one below has some colours at the corner.. creating sort of a aurora effect kind of thing. and the cloud does look nice..

anyway. yeah. tt's all 4 now.. nxt paper on tues.. haha. So till then.
till nxt time.
Friday, 14 September 2007
Romance of the 3 kingdoms
but for now.. middle earth needs saving..
[update 9.18pm] Just returned from middle earth after an epic battle with Ran and zhou where we played out the fate of the romance of the three kingdoms. In the start we were 3 fighting for the same side against the computer.. then as the story goes.. Liu, Cao and Sun divided into 3 seperate factions of their own and fought a great epic battle on their own.. but unlike them and unlike any thought otherwise.. there was no colloboration anywhere and we fought out a great fight.. The riders of Zhou and the archers of Ran vs The trolls and fire drakes of mine..Near death i did on one occasion when ran overrode my hometown and i was forced to flee to my second home (northwest corner) where i rebuilt and tried to re-establish my control of the lairs. with the help of my trusty fire drake and the pure loyalty of my trolls as well as the heroic deeds of the dragon, the spider and the troll heroes leading the way for every noble attack and being the last to retreat for every desperate retreat which sadly resulted in them dying more than a fair amount of time. The game started well.. with i zhou and ran exchanging early exchanges with the creeps at our bases... after we all developed our troops to a certain level. the battle begin and sadly for zhou.. by coincidence.. we attacked him first.. which caused him to malign us for colloborating when we did not.. However the battle was not well fought as we both retreated on his call of this and i diverted my firedrakes to ran's lair. where they all perished without a trace... thus i retreated to my base and rebuilt.. and was raided from time to time by zhou or ran... sometimes simultaneously.. but never both... and i rebuilt.. and seeked the dragon from his lair and built a strong army of trolls and bigger trolls.. and just when the battle reaches its climatic best where i and ran were tangled in the battle of the river where he tried to invade my newly rebuilt hometown. and i sent in my troops to defend and just when the battle is climaxing with both of us summoning troops... and as i prepared the kraken.... my father returned and i was forced to press the reset button on my com.. thus ending the battle in an very anticlimatic way.. like the romance of the 3 kingdoms.. there was no losers.. no winners.. only 3 equals who may have conquered the world if they were on a single side. haha.
great game zhou n ran.. haha.. do it again soon..
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
should try study now.
Monday, 10 September 2007
1 down.. many more.
like today's physics.. most of my fears before it was sort of unfounded.. but i guess i should not try predict my grades or anything cos well.. grades are unpredictable as say quantum physics.. or even less predictable than the position WHU will finish this season.. but it did went well.. sort of... a low A may not be beyond reach.. for this paper at least considering that i checked.. but dunno.. no promises to deliver.
Anyway. tomorrow's maths n Econs.. maths should be ok.. well.. econs.. nope. not not sure. is totally unsure. haiz.. and i am still here..
BFME-ed with Ran just now.. great escape from all this shit called prelims.
but now feeling slightly guilty.. haiz..
so yeah..
till nxt time.
1 down.. many more to go...
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Prelude of Prelims
Nope. it aint the a levels just yet. but i guess this prelims is equally important.. after all.. i may have to apply using this results first.
but dunno.. like always.. this part of me feels unready.. like as though in magic u still have mana to tap.. but dunno wad to tap for.. but guess mayb this is better.. at least i dun mana burn? haha. tt's a lame way to put it.. but yeah.
Hope i can pull it through man.. not pass.. that should be in the bag.. but i guess i'm aiming for an A even however hard i dun admit it.... like after CT2.. i guess... ACES. ASSEMBLE!!. yeah.
inspired to do well.. esp after i am such a failure in so many other parts of my life.. guess its time to pull myself together and do it well this time.. yeah.
well.. so tt's all for now.. good luck fellow prelim takers..
and.. till nxt time